Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Good morning everyone


Good Morning OG!


Morning OG’s happy Tuesday


I never left, in spirit.

Morning you sons (and daughters) o’ batches!


Morning kids. Hope ya all have a spiffy day!


Good morning errybuddy.
Nice day to be alive. Beats the shit out of the alternative.


wait, what?! I’m alive?! :scream: :rofl: :+1:

edit…lol don’t feel like it this morning!

edit2… lol feeling like warmed over death… lemme check for a pulse, again!


Good morning y’all! Hope everyone is doing well! Johnny can we get an update on that pulse? :wink:


It is a beautiful day here. Sunshine blue skys and 77 degrees. :sunglasses: love this time of year. Hope everyone has at least a good day. I’m shooting for great :blush:


Good morning this beautiful day!

@GallacreekD66 ,
Here’s hoping you over shoot and hit amazing!


Well it got a lil better just seeing ur smiling face :grinning: that is a great pic. U look extra jolly lol


And I shake like a bowl full of jelly when I laugh. LOL
I like my bowls full of something else though… Now where did I put that pipe?


I hope you don’t mind my posting this on here Johnny. I know it’s a long post.
I’ve kinda given up on my thread for now. It seems that I’m just junking up yours for a bit… lol
Just kidding but if I post too much just throw something at my head.

The American Nurses Association has officially recognized cannabis nursing as a specialty practice. I guess they are not waiting for the AMA or the DEA or anyone else to conclude all their “case studies” before they decided to weigh in. I say good on them! Here’s what they put out to the public.

ANA release:
Cannabis nursing focuses on the “care of health care consumers seeking education and guidance in the therapeutic use of cannabis,” according to the American Cannabis Nurses Association.

Cannabis lowers blood pressure in older adults, study finds

“ANA is pleased to officially recognize cannabis nursing practice as a nursing specialty,” ANA president Jennifer Mensik Kennedy said in a press release. “This recognition highlights the essential role and special contribution of cannabis nurses to the health care system and promotes enhanced integration of cannabis therapies for health care consumers across diverse health care settings.”

The ACNA states its mission is to advance excellence in cannabis nursing practice through advocacy, collaboration, education, research, and policy development.
“We are deeply gratified by the groundbreaking establishment of cannabis nursing as an ANA-recognized nursing specialty,” ACNA president Rachel Parmelee said in the release.

“Nurses are the largest group of health professionals, providing an opportunity to change the health care paradigm and include diverse wellness modalities beyond traditional Western medicine,” she added. “Cannabis nursing requires specialized knowledge and competencies to navigate care and address the stigma associated with medical cannabis use to support a healthy society. We seek to create lasting, transformative change that enriches both specialized and general nursing practices, ultimately serving the well-being of patients nationwide.”

In its position statement, ANA reports marijuana has been used for alleviating nausea and vomiting; stimulating appetite in HIV patients; alleviating chronic pain; decreasing symptoms of depression, anxiety, sleep disorders and psychosis; relieving intraocular pressure from glaucoma; and more.

What do you think Johnny? “Times, they are a changing” I wonder what Bob Dylan would say if he saw the world today? He wrote those lyrics in the mid 60’s. I guess he was right. Change waits for nobody to be ready for it.


Sounds good to me, lol they just saying stuff we’ve known for a long time to be true.
I reckon they had to get gov grants, and spend millions on the research!


Yep. It’s just good to see some official recognition of that fact.


My old friend Jeff had his problems. You can just look at the pictures of him and see his life was full of turmoil and pain.
I didn’t have to read a medical journal telling me pot helped him. Through the years I observed marijuana help him with emotional difficulties. etc… And in his later years I saw how much relief it offered him through all the pain of a very long fight with cancer. Pot was the only reason he was able to eat anything at all for so long! Still, when he died, he weighed just over 110 lbs. He normally went 170 - 180 lbs.
I know marijuana allowed me to have him in my life much longer than he would have had he not had it available.


It’s coming on to that time, good citizens of the Ogniverse.

Good Night OG!


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed
Good morning OG!


Good morning Johnny, good morning @buck90 good morning OG’s. Have a nice day.:peace_symbol:


Good Morning OG!