Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Gotta see this! I love all those words! :joy:

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You know. Yawl aint but a roadtrip away. Lol. Well a long road trip.

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It was a gravity bong
Had to look up the name


I can’t even hardly do those anymore! :joy: Of course we used to use a 5 gallon water jug with the bottom cut out and a bathtub! :rofl:

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This one of them that you flip over and the water runs down into the other end and the smoke fills it up, you then take the smoke through a long tube…

like i said… lol

\to me, at least, since I’m just an old dinosaur


I’ve seen it! Looks like a big glass pill? Those are pretty cool and maybe manageable. Not cheap though!


Those look perfect JP I love bbq steak! Glad everyone had a great time :green_heart::sunglasses::cut_of_meat:


@Oldjoints does know how to throw-down a serious hoe-down!


I bet! If I didn’t live in oz you woulda had to put up with my stoned guitar playing :crazy_face: :guitar:

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I’ve always wanted electric one.

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heheh I got Mobilly, good! Bigmike, Oldjoints, Guitarzan and me were talking just before Mobilly got there. I’d been thinking of what kinda way to greet Mobilly, that’d ‘grab his attention’ so to speak, lol I said hell, I oughta plaster a big wet one on him, no tongue of course, lol that’d be a bit much! :scream: The other’s said if you don’t do it now, you know… so, lol of course I had do it after saying it out loud. BigMike says, I’m gonna get a pic! I said Hell Yeah. lol So we gave each other the ‘bro hug’ then I planted one on his cheek. We all had fun, laughing and tokin n jokin.


I got you ready.


I hate it I missed it. I didn’t know it was going on.

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I could have came.

That woulda been a longass haul for ya, cuz! All the way from where ya at to here? Damn dude, lol

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Yea you know it. My heart is there. Not as young either. I’m glad you had fun. Looked like mike and moe picking. I know @MoBilly was talking!!! lol my buddy


We made it back to house just as the sun went down. Good thing too, since Rose is ‘night-blind’.


After about 2 hours of driving I got to stop and smoke. Don’t care who is looking. But some places care lol


Yea I have that problem. Early night is the worst. After it gets dark, I’m fine.

Dang man! @Hemp , I’d have mentioned it but I figured no way you would drive halfway across the country to hang out for a few hours visiting! Now I wish I had!