Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

OldJoinits took a sip of that brandy of mine but not much. That alcohol is a blood thinner. He didn’t need any of that last night. Man that was brutal. I only got a glimpse but I saw enough proud flesh to let me know he was a bad ass that was intent on making a day for us all. All props for that man.


Neither rain nor snow, nor fingers whacked off ( :scream:) will stop that man from having a damn good time! :+1:


Oh and @BigMike55
If you ever need anyone to babysit that blond guitar of yours. I don’t charge much.
Just saying. lol


Well, I’m going to get some work done. I’ve been sitting here smiling like the cat that finally figured out how to open the canary’s cage remembering the conversations we had.
I’ll be riding this high for months. :slight_smile:


Give that Double Grape a try. I bet you will like it. A lot. Its kinda like you don’t realize anything is happening and then next thing ya know? Bam! Sitting on the couch nodding. Thats what i experieced anyways. Its pretty good smoke bruh.

Me and Zee certainly enjoyed meeting you and Eva, finally. You married a keeper, my brother!


lol… if ya ask me, we ALL got damn lucky in the ‘wife’ department! Not many women would put up with us?!


True dat!
Guess I better go tend to the girls. Those outside LPC should be very close.


Just think if we had @Tracker and @joheimgrohen and their better halves up there. Can you say full house???


More like overflowing house! But even more fun, lol


Yeah, ill bet we coulda found a place for everyone. I sit cross legged on the floor much of the time anyways.


I can’t do that anymore lol Only way I get down on the floor is to fall there! As for crosslegged? Oh hell no! :scream: :rofl:


I’m still fairly limber for an old fart. I can stand flat footed and bend over and touch the floor without bending my knees.

Just in case you ever need anyone who can do that.


lol I remember being that limber also… long ago, in a galaxy far far away…


In all honesty. At nearly 70 years old, its getting harder on my hips. Not too bad getting down… But a PITA to get back up. Hawhaw


Good morning everyone. Definitely sounds like a fantastic time was had yesterday!


Thank you @BigMike55 . I know it’s true. We all hit the mark when we, somehow, convinced our fine women to take a chance. There’s something to be said for the ability of a good woman to bring out the best in man. lol
The opposite is true as well though.


I know I’m just over 50% Native American Indian, but the rest? No idea, since I’ve never had any of those DNA lineage things done, lol Rose calls me her ‘Heinz 57’, mutt!


Good citizens of the OGniverse, if yas haven’t figured it out by now :scream: :thinking: :crazy_face: :+1: lol There was another (the 2nd one) yearly ‘gathering’ at @Oldjoints place. It was even better than the first one, last year! This was EPIC and I’m sure there’ll be more in the future!
The company was all OG members with some of their ‘better halves’ The conversations were many & varied & crossing each other! No one minded, everyone was so damn happy, even though the Ganja might’ve helped some there! But to be honest, I feel if there were NO Ganja, it woulda still been a rousing success! Honestly though, can anyone imagine an OG gathering without Ganja?!
The FOOD… oh what can I say about this? The counter and stovetop was loaded with dishes of different culinary delights, with the overflow onto the kitchen island, and desserts that’d make a man slap a bear!
The many, many, different types of Ganja to be enjoyed, and the variety of methods therein, were awesome! With doobies & bowls coming from different directions, laden with different delights, of hash and Ganja, while the gravity bong got plenty of attention also, even though stationary!
So, in conclusion… let’s recap a bit here, lol Damn fine company, damn fine conversation, damn fine food, and damn fine Ganja… all shared by some damn fine OG members/spouses, equaling up to ONE DAMN FINE GATHERING!!
Hat’s off and a huge THANK YOU! to @Oldjoints !!
Here’s to the hope of seeing more of yas in the future gatherings!


I’m damn fine glad to hear JPS!


:heart: :heart:


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