Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Morning OG. Typing from the exer-bike, trying anything to get my sciatic settled a little bit. Ut damn…my big plants are happy. Little ones…need someone attention.


Goood Morning JP and OG :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Morning errybuddy. Thursday has rolled around. I finally get my truck in the body shop today. Still have not found that drunk prick that ran into me.


Can ya find the court & date yet? Wait n hope the F’er shows


Have not found his court date. I found where he was arrested and posted bail. But it does not say when his court date is.


You should be able to go down and see the records, or sometimes they can tell ya over the phone

PITA, I know. but that’s if he didn’t use a bogus DL even, and ‘no show’

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Any way ya look at it, it’s still messed up.

Ill give that a try next.
Pisses me off that he could do that, and I have to pay. What’s weird is, I look on KBB dot com they say my truck 2009 model is worth between 8 and 10,000 bucks. The estimate is 7500. They are going to fix it rather than total it for less than two grand. That, to me, is very weird. But at least I will have my cream puff truck back. Only thing wrong with that truck is a few rock pecks in the paint otherwise she’s perfect. Not now but before the accident. Now I’m going to not only have to pay to get it fixed, the value of the truck has gone down because now its been in an accident.
Can’t win.


Well, I hope ya catch up with the F’idiot, brother!


I MAY be cutting my LPC today. Maybe. She looks very ready and delish. Frankie needs another week, at least. I get excited at harvest. I don’t know why. Because harvest=trim jail. But I like seeing my jars gets replenished. With nice fresh, potent bud.


Good morning everyone! I’m off to the vets. Don’t tell my cat why. If I were him… I’d bite me.:joy:


Morning fellas.


Time to get “tutored” is what I always said to mine.


I feel sorry for the Vet assistant that has to deal with Toke. That was one pissed off cat. Maybe they have some welding gloves around. lol


We put our cat up with our Vet last year. They were this close to calling us to come get her. She was pissed. And she didn’t like us for a few days when we brought her back home. Haha.


I got called to the vet when they were keeping my brothers Rottweiler, for spaying, since I knew the dog from day one. I gave the pup to my brother in fact. I said “Sure, I can come down and calm her down”. I took one look and told them “I think not.” They had to wait until my brother got back in town before they could give her anesthetic for surgery. lol
That girl was red zone.


Good morning everyone. Love the cat attitude stories. Cats definitely have personality!
We caught a feral kitten that was very sick. She is now healthy, fixed and lives in the house with us for like 6 years. We have not been able to touch her since she was a kitten. So she still doesn’t trust people, but likes the warm safe space!


Not much got done n the barn today, other than watered. But we DID go out to Bixby (about 2hour round trip) and picked up a mobility scooter! So now I’m ‘mobile’! lol had to lay down for a bit after that wore me out.
The great part is one of my sons just stepped up and reimbursed us the money for it. Gotta love kids that do stuff like that for a parent! He knew I needed one badly and couldn’t really afford it.The doc has ordered one 3 times in the past 1.5yrs. but the Insurance co. keeps blowing past it to nag at me to let them send an ‘in home nurse’ (read as ‘someone to just sit and watch me’) They don’t want to bother with the ‘one time expense’ stuff… too little money to be made for em (the F’ers!) They only want the high dollar stuff! An ‘in-home healthcare attendant’ … who would not be doing any of the house cleaning, cooking, helping me into & out of the bath, dishes, laundry, or anything other than sit there. lol Rose has everything covered in them departments anyhow… And then some! lol
The pups are going crazy running alongside of me on that thing! TFF


You should look into Rose getting paid for all of these things. I know a lot of new programs have been started recently that basically pay family for taking care of other family members. She would essentially become the in house nurse


Last year when the doc gave me that BS ‘any time now’ talk, he said he wasn’t gonna send me into a hospice center, cause I had family to care for me.
We checked into that, not gonna happen.
Might be worth another checking into, though.

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