Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

In my thoughts. Healing vibes.


Thnx I’ll let yas know how it goes when we get back.


Right behind ya bro! :fist:t3:


Good vibes for the dog, bruh. I know how it is. Our pets are not just animals. They become part of our families. Had a lap dog for 19 years. Had my best buddy cat for 23. Now I have another best buddy cat. Can’t seem to leave them alone.
This little cat I have now is crazy. For some reason, she loves rubber bands. She collects them up and puts them on top of her food. He has about ten now. I can take them from her dish and hide them around the house. Tomorrow morning they will be back in her food dish.


Oh. And good morning peeps. I got up earlier. About 5 am. Could not go back to sleep. I went into the Guitar Lounge, where I partake in my smoking activities. I spied a bud that I removed from that outside LPC about three days ago. I touched it. Yup. Pretty dry. I smashed it up. Yup. Seems smokeable. Packed it in my bong bowl and set some heat to it.
Yuk. Tastes like dogs shit smells. Oh well, its still green. Took another rip. Feel a bit fuzzy headed. Took another hit and reloaded the bowl. Hit it one more time.
I just now woke up. I sat there with the bong still in my hand and nodded completely out. I hope that’s what LPC did for me, and not just being lazy cuz I just got out of bed.


Good morning everyone. Pre coffee but wanted to add up more positive healing energy for Angel and Rose


Trim jail today and tuning up some buds some of Frankies Mid sized not even the large ones dried out weighing in around 39 to 37 grams a bud.She looks airy and a bit open but behaves like a Rock bud in that the weights definitely there but it’s covered in so much Tricomes and oils there is substance to it.this morning’s joint even blew back the joints hair holy Crap.Two tokes is key for functional three is a bit of a mind bender 4 to 5 is get ready and strap in time to explore new dimensions and travel time and space ,Into jars and vacume seal bags for long term storage in my cold room .I have so much to play around with and different smokes i can switch out and not get burned out this time i was smart .


We’re back from the vet, and Rose is a happy camper (whew!) Angel will live to see a couple more years, we hope! The vet actually took it real easy on us, especially once he found out my son is the guy that works on his vehicles! :scream: :rofl: :rofl: :+1:
My son is the head mech, next to the owner of the local garage/repair shop in that small town, he does the majority of the mechanic work for the shop, all of the ‘tough ones’ are his meat! lol


That’s awesome news!!! I’m super happy to hear this. Not as happy as Rose though


You never know who you will know,Knows someone integral to your life.Always be kind and rewind cause the gettings sometimes good and it ain’t going to be there everytime


Very true! Everyone that brings their vehicles in to get work done, loves my son. He was taught to do it right the first time! Also to be professional in the process.


We’ve been busy. This is less than half of the pear tree picked so far.

Unfortunately this was not one of my trees. My brothers friend said her tree was loaded. We found the tree all broken down from the weight of the pears. I’m talking five inch branches snapped off. I told my brother to let his friend know that I would trim up all those breaks if she wanted.
It would help her and I could find out if pear tree makes for a good meat smoke.


Best wishes and luck for Angel’s health and quick recovery Johnny! We only get to enjoy their precious presence for a few fleeting years, but they trust and rely on us every day of their short lives.



It does indeed make good logs for smoking. Any kind of fruit tree like apple or pear is good to smoke with.

It gives a similar flavor to apple, as well I have used it before.


Thnx cuz! @MoBilly got my last like for awhile! So here ya go :heart: :heart: :heart:


So glad to hear Angel (and rose) is ok. That’s some haul of pears @MoBilly. Hope everyone is having an awesome Saturday. Things are improving here by the day. Few more days this flu will b in the rear view and I will b so glad. Need to go to store get a few things get off my lazy ass and get some beans poppin. Have a good one fellas. :v::green_heart:


:raised_hands:t3: :partying_face::partying_face: Very good news to log back on and see! I’m happy to hear Angel will be here to keep y’all company a while longer! Very cool! :fist:t3:


We got the SHE BEAST almost halfway done with the trimming job this afternoon. lol
There was another couple plants (in trim) on the floor around her and all she looks like is her bottom is bare! ( :scream: :crazy_face: :+1:) I’ll post pics tomorrow after we’re done.
I also took a peak into the budroom just before lights out, and gotta say…
be on the lookout for ‘THUNDERFUCK’ lol (Thunder Rose x ATF) lol no idea just how well it took, or how many beans there’ll be… but, lol I can see a pretty good amount of the new seeds forming on Thunder Rose!
Also released the MOONWALKER (SkyWalker x Blue Moon Rocks pollen) limited amount.

Lots of new crosses for Christmas, boys n girls! :crazy_face: :joy: :heart: :+1:

edit… I’m SOglad there’s no charges for ‘typing while stoned’ :scream: :crazy_face: :+1: :heart: I corrected the mistaken ATF pollen to the correct one, lol I hit the SkyWalker with Blue Moon Rocks pollen (courtesy of @DougDawson)


I reckon I’m gonna call it a done evening here for me, folks. I’ll see all you grand dwellers of the OGniverse tomorrow!

Good Night OG!


Glad it worked out at the vet for all of you. My buddy got tired of loosing every pet he ever got. Then he got w donkeys from a BLM auction. Jasper and Lulu. He said they’d live longer than he did! He had 6 dogs too. Said the donkeys thought they were dogs. Ran and played with them.