Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

G’morning everyone


Getting caught up in “guilty by association” is not fun.


The almanac was never intended as a absolute definition of what the weather is going to be Weather changes in split seconds and does whatever she wants.Im thinking It was more of a yearly observation made by farmers to what the differences in how thier crops and animals behaved that year into the following to kind of be more of an Oracle of of things that should come rather than are coming.Ill bet those farmers who have been generational have seen a lot of things and have taken notes to see what happens every year and compare.I like to read it to see if the observations are true and for the most part they don’t predict weather right now but the patterns of things and how they turn into other weather patterns


I just watch the Woolly Worm. They know how to dress for Winter. lol


Good morning everyone.


Ok, here’s the new pics of the SHE BEAST, lol thinned down as much as I’m gonna do her. There ended up being enough branches, trim, & leaves on the floor to make another couple plants! This isn’t all of it, just a quick pic of some.

Here she is showing her bottom off!

after thinning top.

From the top

Might as well toss in a few seed/bud porn pics from the budroom, while I’m at it.

That’s it for today, good people. We’ll be flipping the SHE BEAST tomorrow!
Thnx for stopping by to take a look!


I do agree though that observation of the plants and animals can tell us a lot about what’s coming. That is still, more or less, a short term forecast. Cattle will bunch up before a bad storm approaches… Migrating birds leaving early will let you know something is up.
I know it’s for entertainment purposes. I just think it’s odd that some folks (my Grandpa for example) held to it like it was carved in granite. lol


Up here in the northeast, heavy acorn production in fall is another way to tell a bad winter is possibly on the horizon. This year they’re everywhere so I imagine we might get a good storm or two.

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Our area is not as thick with acorns as it usually is. I hope you’re right on that one. :+1:t5:

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:crossed_fingers: nut production is not really heavy in my area. Hopefully a mild one coming


The old injuries speak to me in the cold and wet times. I used to love Winter. I miss that.

I don’t do much more than glance at it now n then, lol But it does seem to be as accurate, if not more, than most weather forecasting… in a broad sense.


Oh yeah. In some parts of the country they might be pretty accurate. But Missouri and the area around it is truly unpredictable. We are where fronts come to fight for supremacy! It’s a meteorological melee around here. lol

Animals intuition is wild. I was laying on the floor in an old house we rented that was on a steep hill. Poorly built. One afternoon all 3 cats, and the Shepherd mix just flew out the door. About 10 seconds later a hell of an earthquake hit.


Animals are in touch with things we can’t even grasp. They have senses that are beyond our own.
I’ve seen one of my dogs that absolutely loved people, to a point of being annoying, come uncorked the second a guy stepped out of his car. This guy turned out to be a waste of human skin. More often than not you will find that if a, right minded dog, warns you about someone that person will turn out to be someone to avoid. And they seem to know it just by the vibe emitted by them.


Agreed to, most whole-heartedly! I always watch how my dogs behave towards someone.


Hey now!
Good morning, buds and budettes Its a fine Sunday here. I just did my watering. Those Frankenstein girls were Thirsty. And Hungry. I give them a bit of go juice. That little Vortex plant that @Guitarzan gave me is doing really good. Pretty lil thang. She got some go juice too.


It is a good day to start with some of that Double Grape that’s been in the jars about two weeks or so.
I’m going in, guys.


I think I’ll join you bro @BigMike55 . :slight_smile: I’ve actually been eyeing that bud since I got done with chores. lol


Hell yeah, here’s to you, my brother. Already took one hit on the old bong. Instantly got tight eyed. Tie dyed???
Stoner thoughts.
I’m officially proud of the Mephisto Double Grape. Its dam good smoke.