Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

lol sounds like a plan my friend!


It’s a long story but the main point is - THE MOUSE LIVING IN MY WORK CAR JUMPED OUT AS SOON AS I OPENED THE DOOR! Everything is coming up hashpants! Whoo hoo!


I knew I was holding off for some reason on going out to the barn this morning! It’s frigging 37 outside!


Dam bro it’s cold in your part of town :cold_face:

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It’s starting to warm up, now the sun is coming out… lol 38

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Guess I’ll just toss on a coat for the trek to the barn this morning, lol gotta tend the gals

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It’s in the mid 50s in MD. :neutral_face:

Good morning everyone. Balmy 54 here

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In just the 1.5hrs since sunup here its gone from 37 to 45 lol

The SHE BEAST we flipped yesterday, pliers used to pinch/crush stems and bent over so not so close to height maxed out light. She’s doin it again, lol trying to straighten back up…

The little Frankie gal is trying to spread her wings, to ‘take over the world’! :scream: :joy: :heart: :+1:


Good morning everyone.


Good morning everyone! Glad to wake up, smell the coffee, and get to enjoy another day breathing in the fine smoke of homegrown cannabis with each and every one of ya!


Good morning brother @herojuana.tom !


Good morning brother @MoBilly ! I have been up since 3:30 drinking coffee and puffing on Triangle kush, it has been a great day! Its the standard 68°F here.


I have been doing my regular routine @herojuana.tom . Getting a bit done and resting my old self for a bit… rinse, repeat.


Same here. Wake, bake, sit here at work looking out the window wishing I were in another place with a younger body doing fun things :sweat_smile:
Or at least a weekend :joy::thinking::flushed:🥲


Hey @MoBilly not sure where the post about having 8 jars. I am so envious of that. I used to like having a drawer full of quart jars. When I would bring a bunch of #s home, my wife went thru them all. She might pick an ounce. Might pick a 1/4 #. Then I’d fix the weight. That’s what went into the jars.


JP, will you kindly help me understand the use of pliers. You use them to soften tissue so that what was too big (rigid) becomes pliable?What, you sorta do it by feel (experience), sorta sense the sweet spot? Do you just do the width of the plier grip, or work a wider area? Appreciate a word picture, interested in the technique.
Your plants look amazing!

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Use the pliers to crush the stem/stalk, to almost the point the sides come together. You;ll usually hear the ‘crunch’. Then you can bend the stem at that point. If sometimes you’ve crushed too hard and it just ‘hangs’, simply put in a stake and tie it at the point you want. It’ll heal at that direction in a week or so.

edit… @Butterthief1959 there were a couple other questions in that post, cuz. Sorry, I neglected to answer.
1.You go the width of the pliers grip, no more is needed.
2.One good squeeze is all. You really don’t want the pliers to ‘meet’… just close to it.


Gday JP and everyone, thanks for the plier tip man that’s a goodie!!