Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Ok, @MoBilly
I’m gonna cut the top out of her. I want the top for me. But I spy two nice cuts within the top that will make nice clones. Plus there’s a couple at ground level I was gonna trim out anyways. Howz dat? I’m thinking there’s four that you can get right now.


That particular word is actually very interesting if looked into deeply. It’s been twisted and misused as derogatory term due to mispronunciation. But regardless the word is usually used to be offensive and so it is.
I also walk in both worlds. Hobble really. There are much bigger things to be mad about and fight for and over. From folks I’ve had conversations with about that particular word and others, it’s like anything else for anyone else. Words are words. It’s the intent, the malice in their use. The pure desire to cause another harm out of hate in one fashion or another that so offensive. I call my buddy a dickhead all the time and he doesn’t mind! :joy:
But ya don’t go throwing words around you don’t understand or do understand but can be offensive around people you don’t know! :man_shrugging:t3:


It’s because he is!

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As friends will do. But call a complete stranger a ‘dickhead’ and I’d say, be ready to fight! lol As you say, it’s all in the context/use, and by who.


Vortex. Post haircut and tie down.


That’s what I was finishing with. :arrow_up: :joy:100%


That’s lookin pretty nice! @BigMike55 you could graft all sorts of stuff on there! :grin:

Sorry I’m getting graft happy! I need more females to stick on the other female! :joy:


I have a female friend from Peru. When I first got to know her for like a couple years, I saw her one morning and said, “Mamacita!!! Que pasa?”. she got mad at me. I could not figger it out. A mutual Hispanic friend told me she was upset at the Mamacita thing. I thought it was like a term of endearment, like, I like this woman, type of thing. And it is to an extent. Evidently in Peru, it denotes a term of endearment to someone you are sleeping with. I did not know. We are still very good friends, tho.


No, but I fully intend on taking a few clones, a bit later, and reverse one, and pollinate the other for a pile of female beans. Maybe some to hand out to my friends here.


Yeah ! That’s a very sexually charged word depending on what region you’re in. But again intent is everything and I think true ignorance of a word or situation should be given some grace.


I think we all stick our foot in our mouth at least once in a lifetime. I try to be kind and considerate to everyone. Sometimes it’s hard to please everyone. Kill ‘em with kindness.:peace_symbol:


With the experimenting planned, it might make sense to wait a bit so you can send a few more. I’d like to use a few for grafting.
I’m not in a bad enough rush to waste your shipping costs.

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Whatever bro. I do want to make some female seeds. That is my favorite, except for growing sinsemilla. thing to fool with. I can just keep these little snips and make roots on what I can. I would rather ship you clones than cuttings anyways. I feel they would have a better survival rate. Just my thinking anyways. Vortex is a great plant. I thought you snagged one off the porch when you were leaving.


I’ve been around a little while. Been messing with cannabis for most of that while. Apparently in all the wrong places maybe people too. :man_shrugging:t3: I have yet to be told “ Hey feel free to grab a pot plant on the way out the door.” :joy: That really must be heaven just right up above me! :wink:


Guitarzan brought 3 Vortex, I thought. He also brought 2 males for my pollen collecting. A blazing Dragon and Space Queen.
Maybe Oldjoints got the one left.

No. That one was for OJ. I knew it was all copacetic though because I know a few great guys that have some. :slight_smile:


Well, you know, lol if what Mike sends doesn’t do what you need, I’ll have some I can send in about a month.


As I said. lol
I have some fine friends. Even if some are a little free with the kisses.


:scream: :rofl: :rofl: :+1:
I beg to differ, brother. I might give up a wet one now n then, but only to a very select few!

lol now, don’t ya feel honored?! But also glad, I bet… that it wasn’t ‘too wet’! (or on the lips!!!) :scream: :wink: :crazy_face: :rofl: :+1:


Least you didn’t break your horn