Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

That’s the way ya gotta go sometimes. Take it easy! Glad ya doing better though.


Fit as a broken fiddle, more like. lol
Back has been out a couple days now
Wearing this dbl back brace helps some

lol couldn’t move without it!


Good morning OG. Sunday Funday. Time for a full clean of the tent today and labeling jars for storage. Been thinking about grabbing a label maker.

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I remember reading that. I feel for you bro. At least there’s still the scooter.
We should really think about upgrading that thing… I’m thinking 125cc. What do you say? Done deal?

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Good morning Johnny good morning @MoBilly, woke up and it was daylight. I forgot about daylight savings time, I wish they would do away with it. Have a great day.:peace_symbol:


:scream: :crazy_face: :+1:

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Good morning @Greenfingers . You as well. :+1:t4:

That would get you to the barn in record time :wink:


lol might make it to the barn in record time… but stopping in record time would be the problem!

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Brakes are overrated. IMO

yeah right, who needs em!?

10 speeds are for wimps and brakes are for cowards.

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lol ya can always just ‘hotshoe’ it
or maybe even try hollerin. ‘WHOA’!

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They make them with skid plates. I went through so many boots. I’d have come out better buying a pair of those. lol

I tell yas, lol this little mobility scooter has them wheelie bars on the rear for a damn good reason! It WILL lift the front end on a hard. flat surface! lol …now, ask me how I know this?! :scream: :thinking: :crazy_face: :star_struck: :wink: :+1:


Boys will be boys bro. lol

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IKR… I couldn’t resist, had to see what/why they put em there…

I’m pretty sure now that the ‘rabbit’ icon on the speed dial means you can run the rabbit down!
lol i honestly didn’t know these things were that fast!

It does have some decent power. There’s even a hitch setup on the back, for pulling something! As small as it is! lol
A slide in setup, with a pin to lock it in.


My brother is a pure gearhead. I’m thinking about building a DIY dirt road scooter. I can’t afford a 4-wheeler but we have lawnmower engines laying around and all kinds of frames and scrap to weld up. lol


Yer a madman! But, lol been there, done that, too.It’s a blast!
We made the boys a couple, back in the day. They loved em, and so did I…we almost killed ourselves on em, but damn they ARE fun!

They have off road wheelchairs, I was at my wife’s cousin’s house and a youngster stuck in a wheelchair had one with knobby tires front and back running all over the place.