Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

What are we gonna do today Johnny? We’re gonna weld up a frame, put a 20hp lawnmower engine on it, gear it up a few notches and run the back roads of Missouri.
Remember powersliding? I miss those days. lol


lol SMH…just SMH :scream: :rofl:

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I had a chair that had off road tires on back and oversized tires on front. It made going through grassy areas dang near easy. If I had a push from a friend I went about anywhere with that thing.


I reckon like ya said earlier, lol boys will be boys, and dammit they wanna/gotta have fun too!

lol if it has wheels… a fella just has to make it go faster!

Wonder if they make a mud-bogger wheelchair? lol I be someone, somewhere HAS!


I’ve broken many bones and got scars on top of scars. I probably should never complain about the state I’m in…
I earned it.


I worked hard to get where I am today… broken up!


Had to think about whether or not to put a like on that one. lol

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Like ya said, lol scars on top of scars, and more broken bones than I can recall or count!

Bullet holes, I can count, though! lol only 3


Or even know about. lol
I had the Doc ask me when I broke a rib on my right side. I remember the fall, hurting for a few days, but never thought it bad enough to take pictures. lol

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Not paying no nevermind to things like that is kind of a way of life for some fellas! lol
And then we get old, and boy! do we pay attention THEN!


My regret is that I didn’t take time to do more crazy shit while I was young. :slight_smile:


Don’t sweat it brother… I did enough for us both! lol
THAT ya can take to the bank, lol
But now, heading into 3/4 century mark… lol I ain’t so ready to do the crazy shit no mo!


Yeah, our definition of “crazy” has changed… Now crazy could mean letting some young loudmouth know you still have 3 good seconds left in you and that’s all you need.

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G’morning fellas


Morning @GallacreekD66 .

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Why give em a warning? lol Or do you mean by ‘letting them know’… showing em? lol

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If the truth, delivered correctly, will prevent a fight, why not give them the chance to think about it…
You can tell the ones you just don’t want to give the extra edge to. I’m sure you know what I mean.

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I never was one for issuing any warnings, lol But, I get where you coming from.

And that works too. lol

I always figured the old saying can be a double edged sword… forewarned is forearmed.
Why give em a chance to ‘prepare’?

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