Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

No Retreat, No Surrender.


lol what’s that? A new food group?

What’s the word on you going under the knife? Just take it easy when doing the shed, brother!
You can believe I’ll be going slow and easy here, lol

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I’m going to be climbing around replacing the sheet metal on the roof of that shed. Eva isn’t happy about it but it’s gotta be done. All that’s holding it together is the roof coating I put on a couple of years ago. Ladders and me don’t get along much anymore. lol

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Damn dude! I know the feeling though… I can’t go up ladder for crap any more.

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The imaging center hasn’t called with my appointment. They want to do a CT with some kind of dye to get a better picture of where the metal is (whether or not it “migrated”). After that I’ll have another appointment to decide if surgery is an option. If it’s the metal then there’s not much they can do. The chances of me being crippled by the operation is almost 100% from what the surgeon said. If so I just get to ride this wave to the beach. If it’s not the metal then I’ll probably get that spinal fusion. Really it’s up in the air. Feels strange as hell walking around not feeling part of my feet. I’ve got to look down when walking to place my feet.
It sucks but it is what it is. We’ll take what comes and find a way. We always have and it’s worked so far. lol


That’s rough, I know. So just take it easy (if possible!)


You gotta know that brother. I’m embracing my lazy side for a while.

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Hard as heck. My legs/feet pretty much stay swollen. i can deal with that. But the pads on bottom of feet are swollen also, makes me feel like I got ‘rockers’ on bottom of feet, toes are 1/2" up off floor, which makes keeping balance near impossible. I’m the same as you, gotta look where I put my feet. But we deal with it.

That, coupled with this back being out… is what’s gonna make this morning ‘fun’, lol

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I gotta say @JohnnyPotseed your GSC x Black Cream, is some good smoke even after letting it go long for the seeds! Crossed her to Fro-yo from G13Labs. Offspring are called “Scoutcicle” want any?


Sounds like some fun you have there, brother! lol I do appreciate your offer, but I got more beans than I can think about as is! I bet you’ll find plenty of folks on here that can get to em long before I’d ever be able to though!
I have the coming year already booked solid, and maybe into 2025 even! lol This is the new seeds I’ve dropped, and dropping
Cafe Racer (germinated, already in pots)
Grand Prix (germinated, already in pots)
Air Force 1 (germinated, already in pots)
Sour Diesel (germinated, already in pots)
Hulk Smash (Dropping in the next couple weeks)
Lemme x White Cherry Truffle (Dropping in the next couple weeks)
'98Bubba x Chocolate Diesel (Dropping in the next couple weeks)
GodFather OG (Dropping in the next couple weeks)
GG#4 (Dropping in the next couple weeks)
Chiquita Banana (Dropping this morning)


lol Too late to delete that brother! I already read it, and hit it with a like!

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LOL Sometimes I forget myself. Blame it on ganja!

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Sun is up, birds are singing, gonna be in the mid 80s today… heading to the barn and BBL.

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I’ll catch you later brother. Have fun if possible. lol

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Good morning, hippies and rednecks, alike. I’m hoping for a better day today. These doggone family issues are driving me crazy. and its causing major problems in BigMike household. I was so angry and frustrated yesterday I never even ate. Or smoked for that matter. In a nutshell. Yesterday sucked out loud.


But Abbie Hoffman had some helpful grow tips in Steal This Book, although he was the only person who couldn’t get laid a Plato’s Retreat too.

Morning fellers.


Funny that Plato would have frowned on Plato’s Retreat.


Specially when Dionysus’ Den has such a ring to it.

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Yes much more appropriate. Satyrs’ Sabbatical.

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