Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Dang man. When it rains, it pours! Take care of yourself brother Mike.

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Seems to be always something, huh brother? Just go back to bed and get some rest, sounds like ya need it! Not sure if you can do like me in the ‘family issues’, but I tell em don’t bug me for awhile…


They just busted 72,000lbs in one illegal grow op here in Oklahoma! smh… pic came on news of it, dried in piles in a barn… NOT my barn! :rofl: :scream: a lot bigger!

that is not a typo, lol 72,000lbs!


That’s crazy. 36 tons. That’s just wild :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Just one of many, lol But that was the largest in state to date. It has been established as fact, that Oklahoma has taken over as the number one exporter of Black market Ganja to the rest of the country… dethroning Cali!

lol Hell, just LA area has 3 times the entire population of Oklahoma…


I like it. A lot.


Anyone who hasn’t been sick or to the damn MD in the last 30 days, raise your hand. Wait…not many damn hands.

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2 doc visits in the past 30 days, lol so I’m out. 1 last week, and another- 2wks prior to thatun.
You ‘sound’ disgusted brother… what’s up? Tired of docs and their ‘opinions’?

lol yeah we gotta lotta ol farts come to the circus! Younguns too, but still…

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Lol, they found 250 lbs of dried buds and – looking at the pic of the barn – they are busting them for having a barn full of leftover sticks and stems from previous grows :joy:

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Why would you keep all those stems?

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lol didn’t pay much attention, just saw/heard the news goin by. but to have that much weight in stems… wooohoooo! lol


BIIIIG bonfire?!
:scream: :rofl: :+1:


That’s what I’m thinking. They should have burned buried that along the way :crazy_face:

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Bonfires year round in Mendocino and Humboldt. At one point just those sticks would send you up for 5-10. Nothing leaving the property that wasn’t touched with gloves.
They’d laugh seeing guys with sticks as weight.

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lol They re-named Oklahoma right a few years back… The New Wild West…of Weed!

I think they’d be more jealous than anything, lol knowing the buddage weight that left for other parts of the country. Like shutting the barn door after the horses got out!


That right there definitely pissed them off. Knowing how much they missed would definitely set them off


They couldn’t see past it just being “weight” added on. But that is a lot of stick, covered in bud…yikes is right.

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The videos on TV awhile ago showed things better. It looked to be a lot of whole plants, buddage and all.