Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Hope you successfully track him. Good idea letting adrenaline wear off

Yes, I am pretty pumped. Lol I was just reading some posts when I looked up and there he was about 45 yards out, dropped my phone and took the shot.


No. I’m going out in the morning. Since I don’t have to hunt the weekends, I leave those times for my brothers and nephews.
Good luck trailing him bro!


He was right at the tree line in the Pines straight in front of the shot and just disappeared inside there.


Do you think you got a clean shot? No blood trail? Dang I hate when one gets away like that.


Oh deer. It must be a pain in the ass trying to find them at times I would imagine… :thinking:
Need arrows with GPS on them. :laughing:

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Every conscientious hunter will spend hours trying to find a deer that was injured and got away. If for no other reason than to end its suffering. Waste meat is a shame. Allowing said critter to die slowly (without much effort to find it expended) is unacceptable to anyone that I would call friend.


I agree 100% with that.

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It is, but at this point… it becomes more a mission of mercy. To let a wounded deer go untracked isn’t cool. But, if that deer isn’t wounded too badly, and possibly runs into briar thickets. It can be very hard to find em.

edit… i see @MoBilly answered quicker than i could, lol but with the same sentiment


Okay, I just got home and here is my update. It took me well over half an hour of slowly circling out from the shot site, like a good old hound dog, till I finally found some blood. By then it is almost dark out and raining pretty heavy. I lost the trail, but kept looking for another half hour to no avail. On the way back to where I was sitting, to pick up my stuff, I find my arrow.

Looks like mechanical failure. But it looks like it made it in 3-4 inches, so after the kids get put on the bus in the morning, you can bet I’ll have my ass in that bush Pronto.
The only reason I think that I will find him, is because I only take ethical kill shots @MoBilly
Tracking them is very exciting to me. I love turning into that old hound dog and Tracking him down. It was our hunting dogs that taught me how to find them.


I hang mine from my lockers in the Grow room. I just cupped up 16 little babies, after the 10 I’ve got going and I’m going to have a busy winter. 3 of them are my Froyo crossed to your GSC x Black Cream auto @JohnnyPotseed

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I’m glad to know I was right about you. lol

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How long can they sit there before the meat goes bad?

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A clean kill = good meat. The farther one runs, the less desirable the meat will be. Running pumps blood into the muscles along with Lactic acid buildup. When the animal finally drops, all that is left in the meat.
As @JohnnyPotseed said it’s a mission of mercy after a certain point.


I mean, if he goes out and finds it tomorrow, after sitting all night , is it still good?


The temperature is probably low enough that it’s almost like a Frig. The only thing that might be an issue is coyotes or similar


Oh yeah. It’ll still be safe to eat. That’s a good thing. And I have eaten several like that. Steps can be taken in processing and preparing that will even make it enjoyable to eat. I love me some good deer chili. The meat can be soaked in milk, beer… and it will leech out some of the strong gaminess.
It will be safe to eat though.


Thanks for the info guys.
I am not a hunter, but with the rising costs of everything these days it is something I have been thinking about. I have tried Moose/Deer/Bear from people that have given me some and it tastes way better then the crap you buy in a grocery store!
I’d have to get a winch setup or something to load the animal into the vehicle. My back can’t lift no animals. :laughing:


Also by not chasing the deer immediately they calm down fast. The injury is felt more once the adrenaline wears off.
@chronix bear barely stew was probably the best soup/ stew I’ve ever eaten


Oh yeah. As @Emeraldgreen said. @THCeed 's best case scenario would be to find it laid down within 200 yards or so in a quiet spot. If it had a chance to relax then he’s golden.
After a rain will make it more difficult but it’ll test his abilities as a tracker. Looking for disturbance is much harder in a long track than looking for a blood trail. IMO