Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

They only one that keeps popping up is from 1979.
Beastly Fred :grin:

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Damn lol I can’t find it either… but that one is close

Anyways, lol ya get the idea of how I am in the morning until I’ve gotten some coffee into me.


Thank you my friend, don’t mess with your feet, you only have two.:wink:

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Good morning Johnny, good morning @InTheWoods, good morning OG’s. Im off to see the doctor today. I’m pretty sure I won’t be getting back to work anytime soon. I signed up for short term disability so at least I won’t be broke. Have a nice Monday friends.:peace_symbol:


Hope the doc gives ya good news brother! Take it easy while you can…


Thanks brother, I’ve been keeping it clean and dry changing the bandages every other day just like he said so everything should be good. It finally got a little sore when the swelling went down. I’m trying to stay off of it but I still have to move around a little bit. My skinny ass gets sore from sitting.:joy:


Good Morning everyone… Have a great Monday. Peace


Good mornin circus crew :coffee::seedling:


Good morning all you silly savages.
Hope you all have a Big Time today.


If you can start using Carbon Fiber Barnett head hunters shafts it will help they are so tough a bit pricey but thier worth every penny, i started using grim reaper broadheads and their slogan watch en drop isnt bullshit.My deer dropped 40 feet of where i heard the Thwack!!Still got my arrow back and not even so much as a nick on those razor traillers went right through the rib cage and blew the deers heart in two.


Good morning all!


Good morning everyone :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I just saw this! Thanks man. I tried to make it as sickening as I could. lol
I would call that “Mission Accomplished”.

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That is what always happens with me, usually goes right through. This happens so often, that I once tried shooting 2 deer at once. I’m going to blame it on a mechanical error on the tip. We just finished searching all the property that I have permission for, to no avail. As for following disturbance in the bush, this is what I am dealing with @MoBilly

This is the trail coming into the bush.


Thanks @Greenfingers. Some of my foot issues are directly related to my back, but not entirely. Calling the Podiatrist when they open. I spent 40 years on concrete floors. Always bought high quality boots and shoes. Good socks too. When I worked doubles, I swapped out shoes half way thru. Doubled up the fatigue mats. My feet hurt some. Some of the fools really suffered from poor foot care. I tried to tell them the Big5 boots weren’t gonna be good.


That there is a highway man.

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Sure makes it tough. There were lots of fresh tracks from last night. Spooked a big doe while looking. Sure could have used that meat in the freezer. I get so depressed when that happens. Nothing bothers me more than not finding my meat that I worked so hard to get. Time to drown my sorrows in a bowl of Rosin, I guess. I sure wanted to show you another buck like this one.


Does your area have Deer tracking Dogs for hire ? Might be time to call in the hounds and sniff out that trail.My old blue tick german short hair pointer would have been the man to use for sure that dog could sniff them out every time as a kid with me and my dad many a long nights freezing our asses off with a old miner light with the car battery brick on a weaver mount .Thats a gnarly ass way of carting a deer out like that thats a good idea i have a Dolley like that in my shed i never would have thought about it until now


The poor dogs wouldn’t stand a chance around here. Maybe a drone, but there is so much deer traffic through here, they would be chasing their own tail. LOL


I read “does” at first. lol

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