Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

I tried that. The darned thing about broke my shin bone! I guess it was satisfied with the one it already had.


I have such a bad memory, pin the tail on the donkey - forgot about that one

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I’m putting away some beans. I’ve come across some monsters! The FrankenKush and Cane Cobra beans are comically huge! :joy: I thought the FatBastard beans were big! They just got Crocodile Dundee’d! :rofl::rofl:
That’s not a bean. This is a bean! :joy:

Ok goin back to work! :grin: :v:t3:🪶




When ya playing in your ‘long house’ garden, how can that be considered ‘work’? I’d think it’d be the highlight of the day! :joy: :crazy_face: :+1: :heart_eyes: at least, it is for me!


Ok ,ok! So I’m playin’ !:rofl: I gotta at least act like I’m still a productive member of society! Otherwise they may circle back around with that probe again! :rofl:


Put me on blast why don’t ya! :joy: :fist:t3::facepunch:t3:🪶 :heart::green_heart:

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I had a question about STS & Autoflowers.

Any proper schedules for spraying your autos out here ? There’s way too many different answers online for some reason.

Start the ones that you plan to revers two or three weeks earlier. That way the timing is right for pollination.
I think I had mine somewhere between 19 and 21 days apart.
I also had to keep a close eye on them as to predict when flower would start. That way I could get a STS treatment in early. I did a total of five treatments, five days apart.

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The other schedule. I found the answer on a manufacturers directions just now. Spray at first sign of flower, and every 5 days for 20-30 days.

Thank you I hope I got this right

ok where better to ask but here. what do you all do when your cuttings are wilted and looking like me before a 20mg viagra ? i took some snips yesterday and today about half of them are wilted and flopped on their side. usually i would start over but there is no way to do that now


I wouldn’t worry to much. In my experience, the majority of un-rooted clones always look quite frumpy for a few weeks.
Just keep a dome over them and mist occasionally. They are only taking water in through the air at this point.
Best of luck bud. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Autos are notoriously hard to reverse ,and may need sts and colloidal silver and gibberellic acid.edit


Actually cuz, I think the best way is to reverse one and collect the pollen. Then use it at your leisure and timing. Just my 2 cents


thanks for the confidence booster :pray:


This will probably be home I do it next time. :+1:t2:

Or give them to me. LOL


Ouch cuz, that doesn’t sound good! There are a few things that can be the cause, none of them good. Also hard to overcome. Misting regularly is the only thing other than making sure they’re getting mist on the cut stems in the cloner.


Just do the @Sebring method and make your own. Fast, easy, cheap…and you can adjust your concentration rates per plant if desired.
You only need this Silver Thiosulfate as far as I’m concerned. It worked extremely well, lol.:wink:


I just do photos,that guide did look kinda fos