Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

The cuttings will continue to age as if they’re still part of the mom and finish about the same time. Also they can hermie in the process.
When I experimented with running autos (probsbly around 500 or so total) that fact was one of the main reasons I left em alone, you can’t clone em.


Mine completely reversed back to normal. And are now flowering again like crazy.

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Never heard of that, unless they weren’t completely auto. It takes 3 gens to make autos, if seeds of the 1st or 2nd gen are grown, that can happen

edit… also, if the wrong plants are chosen to continue to the next gen, it can take even longer, like 4-5 gens, if it doesn’t mess things up entirely.

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Lol. Now thats funny. Not the big toe… the robin.


I grew quite a few out this spring, even the clones inside auto’ed. Only the ones outside reversed back. They were a good 4 weeks into flower too when I put them out.

They were clones you put outside? Of course they hermied and reversed. That’s why they’re taking so long, slowed things down is all. lol

I believe the smoke this season caused some reveg.The Canadian fires

No hermies. I had them inside. Flowered them for about 4 weeks, kept some inside and put some outside. The inside ones finished off nice at the right time but the ones outside reversed and are finishing now with the rest of the plants.


I put clones out in April and they all flowered.Then they all reversed,eventually. Steve Lemmy og took until July to grow

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Still not very big.


I don’t think I’m following this completely, cuz lol Let me see if I have it right. please correct me if not. You grew some autos, took clones of them. The you put some of the clones outside and some of the clones inside. The inside ones all finished proper? While the outside all hermied?

edit… sorry i had things backwards!

Tag @THCeed ?


No hermies,the inside ones finished fine,the outside ones revegged and then finished fine.I think


I caught that and corrected myself, but thnx lol

A reverse is a hermie… In this case, taking clones and sticking them outdoors would be what caused em to hermie/reverse. Hell, keeping em indoors, I’m surprised no clones reversed


He meant reveg,I think


reveg is not what I read’
A plant reverses or hermies(same thing) from some type of stress. Like taking clones from a plant that doesn’t like to be cloned.
Hell, lotta autos don’t even like to be topped! Bend and tuck only…

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That’s what he / she said ,cuz

You kinda gotta read between the lines. I think @THCeed has some terminology crossed. I also believe he means reveg based on the context. They flowered for 4 weeks inside then revegged outside and are now flowering and finishing as normal. Also believe there’s some non fully auto at work here.


That is almost perfect, except the outside ones did not hermie, they are flowering beautifully. 3 months later

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I’m aware of what @THCeed said, I copy/pasted the quote, lol There is no interpretation other than the words.Which I take at face value.

A few years back I had the ash affect things. Fog too. Had ash covering the sun AND a ridiculous amount of heavy overcast/ fog. Plants just stopped growing. Didn’t matter if they were in veg, or flower. If I remember correctly, it all got washed and into the butter bin.

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