Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

I am right there with you Johnny.

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lol I tried that method, cuz. you need to be very careful and wear goggles, in case it shoots back at ya.Naw, it’s still STS, you’re just injecting the solution


I have my daily goggles, glasses. haha. I wonder where exactly you need to inject. I would probably aim for the hollow inside … but I’m not sure

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That’s where ya go for. It can be tricky though. I did it a few times. The last time, I didn’t go far enough in and the stuff sprayed back on me! Glad I had safety goggles on!

It does work though.

You can buy the rigs with change out needles on Amazon… (of course! lol) Multi pack of different size syringes and different gauge needles


Good warning about the possible spray back. Perhaps manually drilling a tiny 2mm or less hole at the trunk and then spraying in and possibly covering it with Paper Tape to avoid infection. ?

I guess that also depends where it should be injected- with that said what’s the best location for the injection

Yeah, I had those until after the cataract ops. Then I went back to 10/10 again. Damn I’m glad I can see!
I got lucky, my eye doc recommended me to her eye surgeon! lol He did the op by hand, and man did he do a jam up job! She was glad she sent me to him, and after she examined (after the ops) she said he was the one going to do HER cat ops too! lol


I guess that also depends where it should be injected- with that said what’s the best location for the injection ?

dude… IM also glad you can see. That must be so frustrating. I cant survive properly without my glasses. It is very inconvenient.

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Didn’t you see in my post where to hit? Go for the center (hollow) but it’s tricky to get just right.

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It was beyonde inconvenient! Even with coke bottle bottom glasses, the cataracts made it almost impossible to see!
But we had to wait for em to progress to the point the op had to be done. in the meantime I was almost blind!

When younger, I had eagle vision, lol then as I got older the sight started going. I waited over 10 yrs for them things to progress to the point I could get em operated on
If you get the op too soon, before the cats get to a certain point. You can go blind or have to go through it again

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Yes. Sorry I didn’t ask correctly…I meant is it better to hit it at the main stem or perhaps somewhere softer ?

Oh … and about the blindness. I would be very cranky if I was going blind like that. Insurance stuff always ends up waiting to the point of “needing” something and its so problematic. I am not looking forward for my body to start betraying me lol

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The main stem, go for about an inch below or above a node

lower down so the whole plant gets the benefit
About 2/3 way down

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Thank you for your knowledge my dude ! It makes growing so much more fun when I can count on someone to know more than google. lolol

Well, I think I smoked about enough of some concentrate that I’m easing off now. Or so stoned-stupid i don’t feel anything at least! lol i’m gonna try laying back down


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed & the Smokin’ OGs!



Is that a Red Ryder? careful you’ll put yer eye out.:wink:
Good morning Johnny, @CanuckistanPete have a nice Sunday.


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed @CanuckistanPete @Greenfingers
Good morning to OG!


Morning folks.
Watch where you’re walking. No toe stubbing. Haha.


Must have fallen asleep. Good morning insomniacs.


I don’t want to beat a dead horse on this one, but my experiences with putting autos outside has resulted in reveg. Might be the 16+ hours of summer sunlight we get here. Come to think of it I’ve revegged a few autos indoors by noodling with my timers.

Anyways, good morning OG!


Autos or regs, I always have my lights set to the same hours that my plants will get when I move them outside. I plant at the end of May so my lights would be set for 6 am to 9pm. That way it doesn’t mess with their heads. :laughing: