Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Hey Johnny. I have a way to kinda put that to the test. Not that I don’t believe my own eyes. lol
How about I give you what little Supafreak pollen I ended up with? We talked about Freaky Franky once or twice and I wouldn’t mind keeping my two clones virgin.
What say you? I can send it if you have one ready for pollen or bring it with when we motor that way.

Just bring it, brother. There’s no Frankie ready or anywhere close to ready for it. I’ll put that to the test when I have another Frankie in the budroom.

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It’ll be a fun project. Maybe offer a small prize to the first one that comes up with a mutant Franky. lol

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Have you smoked any of it?

No. Unfortunately both mine were male. It is considered a stronger mutant strain though. @JohnnyPotseed

Good morning guys. Freaky franky. I like the sound of that :+1:


lol or Sneaky Frankie

@MoBilly maybe hold onto it and use it at your end? I’m in on several seed buys of new strains, and really wouldn’t have time or space to run the experiment for some time to come.

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Franking at the freakers ball? Lol I just woke up

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Hey! Slick1’s here!

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GM @Slick1 how ya feeling today, my friend?

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I’ll be the grower on 3 out of the 4 buys I’m in on, already lol
Still not fully awake, I guess lol only had 1cuppa joe so far! Just poured the 2nd. I wasn’t thinking straight there, and really overloading my plate!

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I didn’t have occasion to venture down to the beach area but I’m a mile or two inland and didn’t have flooding thankfully. It DUMPED too. Holy shit that was a lot of rain. One of those things where it’s so heavy and non stop that you get used to the sound. Every so often it catches your attention and you can’t believe it’s still raining that hard.

Morning OG!


Sure thing man. :+1:
I will attempt to isolate a branch on one of the two that I’ll be flipping. Surely I’ll be able to prevent full pollination of her. No guts no glory. lol

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Just put a plastic trash bag over the part you don’t want to pollinate, cuz. A few hours later, after you wash down/rinse thoroughly the part with pollen, you can take the bag off.


Morning everyone. Looks like a nice day to be in trim jail.


Morning. Yeah this week in general I’ve been pretty much back to normal thankfully. Not too bad so far today and the pork roll and cheese headed my way should improve things even more, morale and whatnot.


Good morning BigMike. :slight_smile: I only wish. lol
It’ll be a good long while before I have another harvest. Oh well. I have plenty. :slight_smile:


lol you and that damn pork roll n cheese! I’m gonna havta try that shit out someday, maybe! lol

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The only problem is that you could get addicted quick and then you have to figure out a PR connect.

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Highly unlikely! lol I do like pork, no lie, lol but I tend to get hooked on ‘the real deal’ like ribs with the meat so tender, it’s falling off the bone!