Joker’s misadventures

Awesome job brother, looks like a successful grow to me. Cant wait to get some smoke reports on here


@kushdaddy just posted this. It was Mark’s response to what his super strains are.

Monster Kush, Super 90 and Sour Lemon 105 are semi auto super strains that take a bit longer
but produce a lot more weight. You can grow both in one room at 18 on 6 off for 8 weeks then harvest the 60 day autos and switch to 12/12 to send the Semi autos into flowering.
And with 2 tents you should be able to produce around a pound every 30 days

Now I know I am new, but how in the hell does this make sense? If you have to flip to 12/12 to flower, than it’s not an auto. And yeah you will get more weight, you just vegged for 8 weeks!! And in my experience he needs to add the Green Headband to this list. It didn’t start flowering until I flipped to 12/12 also.


Hey man, don’t make fun. If you got cash, I have some excellent, elite, super duper partial auto seeds for sale!

You can veg them for a year, and flip to 11/13. You will pull super weight!


Not making fun, just want the next new guy to know what they are getting into.


Right? Hype sells man. It doesn’t always pan out though. Gotta put a funny twist on it :wink:


So calling them a super auto is silly. By that logic, i am growing “super auto Juanita la Lagrimosa” right now.

What these are are photoperiod plants crossed with autoflower plants. Since the autoflowering trait is recessive, these are all photoperiod plants. Some companies sell these as “fast version” because they tend to flower faster than their photoperiod parent. In my experience, the Lowryder2 I used on this Juanita la Lagrimosa shortened the flowering time by a week or two.


@ReikoX. In my opinion, not just silly, but misleading. I just don’t understand why these would be called auto’s at all! When I ordered them I was told they were super strains, but no mention at all about flipping them to 12/12.


that is why I bought plain old beans from him

peace and be well



@dequilo. Yep, if I had it to do all over!! Lol.


I just removed his 105day 90day and 75day strains from my auto storage box into my photo period box be years before i get to them now lol…Have his so called 60 day auto blueberry and bubblegum on the way will be intresting to see if they actually auto flower and finish in 60days from seed as an auto should do.


Those Juanitas originally by Dankonomics by chance and you autod them @ReikoX ?


No, Raggae Seeds did the Juanita la Lagrimosa seeds in 2015. The original Juanita clone was their cross of a NYCD by Soma and Reina Madre. The cultivar I used was tested at 8% THC and 8% CBD. I hit those with my male Lowryder2 pollen. Thats what I’m growing now, making those F2s and searching for those that autoflower in that generation.


We’re you looking for those I might have a couple in the vault!


So, the 60 day “auto” bubblegum isn’t an auto?


@nefrella i am about to run Marks 60day bubblegum and blueberry to find out…So far his 75day 90day and 105day have turned out not to auto.


I think there is some auto gene in there. I just do not think it is the dominate gene. I run one of his Super Fruit 90’s and it was more of an photo. Needed the 12/12 cycle.

Dropped another one and it is flowering on an 18/6 cycle. It is 60 days in and looks like it will finish in 90 days or so.

It seems like it is a crap shoot with his autos for me so far.

Here is the plant at 60 days.


Lefthand seeds dropped a knowledge bomb on marks thread. He believes super autos are a “semi auto”.

This should be explained to people buying seeds. Yall could try the 14/10 cycle if you only had these in your tent. It could give them potential to gain more weight.


Yeah I saw that. Glad we have knowledgeable people like @lefthandseeds here.


@Old-Ron. If I remember correctly, on Strainly Mark only advertised his photo strains. IMO it just seems he hasn’t worked his auto’s enough. Both my S90’s flowered on 18/6, but both Green Headband and both S105’s needed 12/12 to flower.


Great job on your first grow @joker! Plants look great! I had to put his 75 day monster kush into flower. I told him about that and he said he must have sent the 90 day super auto. Either way I had to force it to flower. I contacted him on it and he made it right…