Joker’s misadventures

@GramTorino. Thanks for stopping by.

A quick rundown.

70/30 coco/perlite

GH Floranova, General Organics CaMg+

Feeding 3.5ml Grow, 2ml CaMg+ per gal, ph 5.8-6.

I overwatered, let them dry out, and now THINK I am watering correctly.

My OCD kicked in hard after overwatering and now water twice a day. I weigh each cup and replace what it has used. Normally between 20-30 ml twice a day.

55”x55”x76” tent.

Solstrip LED light, dimmed to 350w, 24” above plants on 20/4.

T6 fan, tower fan on low 24hrs.
Temp range 72-80 F
Humidity 40-61%

With so many variables, just trying to figure it out.


See i guess this is where I get confused. I see some people saying overwatering isn’t a issue in coco and now I see this with you saying you overwatered in coco… …so im like hmmm well which is it lol ill be starting in coco here later this year so im really paying attention to all things coco


@Joboo. Join the club. That is the main reason I went with coco. Everything I read stated if you let coco dry out it caused many issues. So I watered to runoff and wound up with algae on the top surface.


Joker…i bet you give them a little calmag they snap right back into shape


Well I’ll be damned. Hope you’ve got this one corrected bud. Guess we will see. Ive been pretty nervous about starting coco not so much about the coco but trying something new I guess


Looks like you have an excellent setup, and environment. You are not alone.
It’s a balancing act - feeding when they are young. Immature root systems vs mature.

Here are a couple of my favorite bookmarks related to cocoholic feeding.

This matters! (At times, I was making mistakes in this area on past grows.)


This exactly! Its hard to overwater a mature plant in coco.


With so many variables, just trying to figure it out.

In my personal experience, everything got a lot easier for me when I switched to growing in organic soil. I am disabled so I needed the least labor intensive, cheapest, lowest maintenance grow method possible. I take a very “hands off” approach to cannabis growing.

All the resources the plant needs are in the soil, and the plant simply uses those resources as needed, without your intervention. After planting, all you have to do is water, and occasionally add a little bit of compost or green plant matter on top of the soil as a top dressing.

In coco, you are responsible for every single variable at all times. Organic soil basically provides a buffer for every single variable. Meaning even if you are not doing everything perfectly, the soil is much more forgiving than a coco grow.

Of course there are a lot of people who have dialed in coco perfectly, and get amazing results. If it’s more comfortable for you to follow a strict regiment than it is to take a “hands off” approach, then coco may be the right method for you.

I’m excited to see where your grow journey takes you, good luck joker.


@zephyr. Thanks for stopping by!! Perfect timing, I was sourcing and pricing out @ReikoX recipe for organic soil. Think I may whip up a couple tubs worth and try it for my next grow!


Once he shared it with me. I have been using it, or a version of it, and I love it. Which ever way you go. I will have a seat to watch.


Well said. If you have a basically water only soil, that’s only 1 variable to deal with. When it gets light, water. Peaple are surprised how nice my plants look since I have grown in like 17 years. Granted, I did a ton of reaserch, but then I mixed up my supersoil. It made it pretty easy so far.


Day 15

I up-potted the solo cups to their final home, 3.5 gal hempy buckets. I started some seeds in their final home and some in solo cups. Just trying to get some first hand exp. transplanting autos vs starting in final pot.



Two different cups. I think the root growth is decent for 14 days.


This is 14 days for the first group I over watered and eventually culled.


This is 14 days for the 2nd try. Definitely better!!

I have learned one thing for sure. My first grow is like being a first time parent. You freak out about every little thing. With time, you realize shit happens!!

Thanks for stopping by!


@GramTorino. At what point in coco do you start drain to waste? Certain amount of days, plant size, how many nodes, etc.? Thanks for all your help!


they look good @Joker.


@ReikoX. Thanks for the advice to slit the inner cup down the side. Made transplanting a breeze!!


Initially I feed solo cup seedlings or clones very little volume, but gradually increasing for over several days. (Wet/dry cycles) Once the roots start taking off, I feed heavier volume to runoff. And soon thereafter I can multi-feed to runoff several times a day. At this point zero chance of salt buildup if fed lower EC more often.

And then once transplanted into final pot, I repeat the above

Here I was having fun practicing for a solo competition. Lol


Huge improvement for sure. Nice job!!


You’re in good hands Arriba|nullxnull , nice tips, I will be learning aside with you … beer3|nullxnull


Good job joker. Hopefully it keeps going good for you. Im sure ill have issues when I start coco too


Day 18

The plants are growing and looking better.image




When a plant has a deficiency and the leaves turn yellowish. Will they green up again if said deficiency is fixed?


Thanks for stopping by!!