Joker’s misadventures

Nitrogen usually starts at the bottom bro.


I’d say that was new light green growth nothing to worry about!


They look great.


Day 41

Plants are doing ok. I am continually learning. Had the bright idea to drop the cal/mag to 2 ml a gal and now am chasing deficiencies.

5 are confirmed female and waiting on the rest. Just transplanted 2 of them and they are not happy.




Learning a lot on this grow and already can’t wait for the next!

Thanks for stopping by!!


you want to get better at growing? you just keep growing :slight_smile:

good, bad, what have you

all best in your grows and be safe



It is so much fun to learn. Do you feel like you are starting to get a good program together?


What are you thinking about growing on your next run?


Every time I think I have it figured out, something happens that tells me I have no clue!!


Not sure yet. I know the next run will be photos. And I want to do a side by side experiment with living soil and coco. Half of each strain will be in living soil and half of each strain will be in coco.


Great looking guard dogs! What are their names?


Zena and Sadie. Both are my shadows and spend a lot of time in the basement with me and my tent!


Yea so this second batch of plants are looking much better than the first round no experience here as far as coco goes for me ,with that said depending on sources of coco I think that this might be where people get hung up when it comes to Deficiencies from my understand of coco when it’s harvested the higher quality of coco is rinsed fairly well from what Iv heard through reading are all cocos the same ? May have to do with salts or the cleaning up of coco itself , others here can make better suggestions than I . Coco has a harder time from what I recall on holding onto nutrients and such this all comes down to cations and such positive and negative charges in the medium . Coco has a far less capacity than say peat in keeping those nutes where they are needed .

On observation I’d say the lower yellowing is N related which is a mobile Nutrient meaning it will take from the bottom leaves and translocate where it needs it , however with that said the yellowing in top to me indicates an immobile nute issue So it won’t translocate now some nutes can work a bit of both ways So in that regard you can eliminate 50% of the guess work see if you can find a good chart to help you in that aspect . Again how it’s moving in the plant leaf itself can help also Determine what is what yellowing from the petiole outwards or the reverse from the tips moving backwards I’m not up on good info to tell you ATM which is which Without a bit of research. I had some yellowing issues like you on the top recently with my solo cup plants and I ended up top dressing with some EWC I I could see results easily fixing its self in 2-3 days As you may be aware I’m not big on force feeding plants with chelated nutes I just believe I can make things more difficult IMO. And with 2- 3 different strains that you have going currently GHB may not like your concentration of mix like the S-105 does see how hard it can get when it comes to dosing plants? That coupled with potential ph issues even complicates things more or overfeeding of certain nutes can lockout others it’s a crazy balancing act in itself

One thing to take from this is … the plant is always in control what it needs when it needs it! Sorry for the long winded description but hope it helps!


Overall I’d say they are coming along nicely


That could be a PITA as they would have different water schedules with different nutes :sweat:, how was your experiment with topping and non topping autos? :sunglasses:


I love the way the topped one’s look. But it def set them back. Only one has shown sex at 42 days.


@Joker hey man watsup. I finally found your thread. As far as coco goes bro. Water everyday. I water everyday with feed. I’m also gradually increasing my nutes to find out how I can push them. I usually water until about 20% runoff. I saw your post and I’d say never lower your calmag. Coco is a calmag hog and leds make it worse. Your plants are looking good tho bro. When u say flora grow is that part of the 3 part micro series from gh?


@lostinmyhome. See that is what I just can’t figure out. Everything I read and hear from Coco growers is water till runoff. And every time I do the plants go into a tailspin. I water till runoff on the 2 I have left in solo cups. And they look great, but are still in solo cups at day 42!! I guess I need to pick one plant and just start watering till runoff every day and see if it lives!!

Thanks for stopping by!


Hmmm. When I get to the computer, I’m going to run the numbers for your feed. To check ca/mg ratio ect.

Per gallon, here’s the breakdown for…
3.5ml FloraNova Grow
2ml Botanicare calmag+


4ml FloraNova Grow
3ml Bot calmag+
.5 epsom salts


@GramTorino. Currently this is what I am running.

2 ml Floranova Grow. 7-4-10 4%Cal, 1.5%Mag, 2% Sulfer
5 ml CaMg+. 1%N, 5%Cal, 1%Mag

For the plants that have shown sex

2 ml Floranova Grow. 7-4-10
2 ml Floranova Bloom 4-8-7 4%Cal, 2%Mag, 2% sulfer
5 ml CaMg+. 1%N, 5%Cal, 1%Mag


First time I have looked at the breakdown. The floranova grow is a touch low on Mg for my coco comfort, but otherwise looks good.