Joker’s misadventures

At least I know what day my grow is on??!! :thinking::pleading_face::joy:


So true! … I don’t even recall even when starting out if I ever counted days! I’m such a bad gardener!:frowning:


LOL @Tinytuttle! Now we know why hes been missing.


Maybe I’ll start a timer on my phone when I sink some seeds Next ! Lol


Ok, I get it!! Lol, I am a little OCD with note taking. But I bet I am still taking them on my 5th grow!!


That’s awesome man. I am not good at taking notes. A big plus for that!


30 plus years of growing and i still make daily notes.My thread is updated every day or two with pics and info.It is very helpful when growing multiple strains at once for future reference when taking multiple cuttings of each,for how they grow,react to feedings and enviroment.In fact i am about to go check on the plants for how they have responded to being split up to 2 rooms now.

Happy growing bro and keep on making your daily progress reports.


Day 73

Wow, it has been awhile. In the last 2 weeks I think I finally realized that by day 68 any auto would have shown sex, so I flipped the tent to 12/12. I remembered the plant that @ReikoX had.

I knew this grow would be a learning experience. At this point I have no idea how long these plants will flower. Technically they have vegged for 68 days.

Two plants are budding out, the rest not so much. I took drastic measures, wanted to see how far you can actually push plants. If there are negative consequences, at least I learn from it.

Supercropped and chiro’d the 3 biggest plants yesterday and today. I hope this will make them more manageable.

Front right, yesterday.

Front right, today.


And a nice piece that came today.

Thanks for stopping by and tagging along!

Sorry for the sideways pics.


Beautiful work my friend


Hey joker. Looking great man. U really got them plants looking good. I have a question for u. Which autos are u running that didnt autoflower? I seen earlier in ur thread u had mentioned u had ghb. I just started some and wanted to know wat u think of them.


Good question i have the green and purple head band along with the super90 and 105day SD x LS i plan to germinate at the crescent of the waxing moon in November.


remember that Mark’s Autos are REG seeds, not FEM…


@rootfarmer. Yea I know that. But an auto flower will flower based on age, not hours of light it receives regardless of whether its fem seed or reg


Day 74/7

@lostinmyhome. Yeah I would watch the Green Headband. I have 2 that are just showing sex now. Day 74, day 7 of 12/12. A more experienced grower would have realized it much sooner.

@SmknCanuck. Same with the 105’s. All 3 showed after I flipped the light.

If I am correct and these are just now going in to flower, no clue how big they will get.

I am continuing to supercrop most of my plants. It blows me away how they respond. My BIL thought I killed them for sure. The next day they are growing to the light again!!

The Octopots, fan, and filter came today. Hopefully have a 2nd tent up and running in the next week. Excited to run some Meph seeds. Think I am going with Northern Cheese Haze and Hubbabubbasmellascope.

No pictures today, lights out crept up on me.

Thanks for stopping by and tagging along!!


just saying that one of them can be a male and you can be making a lot of seeds too;
not a bad thing if you want seeds- just key an eye out…

i grew mark’s Blue Cookies and got a few seeds - :+1:


Holly crap 74 days of veg your gonna have some monsters by the time they finish the stretch.Super cropping during the stretch seems to make them grow even bigger even quicker…I will be sure to keep track of the autos if they are not flowering by day30 i will flip them then.Thanks for the info…Will be watching ya with intrest in this grow bro.

I bought Marks auto because they were regular autos and not fem as i want a couple of auto males to use with a few photoperiod strains i have.


Well, this first grow keeps throwing me curves!’ Guess I will now learn how to deal with (maybe) monster plants!! 2 plants were 33” above the soil before I supercropped. Just rolling with whatever they throw at me.


The joys of growing no 2 strains grow a like.And even within a strain you can find an array of phenos that grow differntly to…Every grow is a new adventure and discovery.As i acquire new strains i always end up growing to many plants as my addiction and love to discover how a new strain grows and smells takes over,its not about getting all the buds for me so much as just the love of growing something different.


Its your first grow, it will do that bro. Learning how to deal and roll with the curves is all just learning. Youll be laughing at all this some day. The rest of us already are :rofl:

Im glad to be along for the journey my friend.


Definitely keep taking notes. It always makes it easier to quickly reference what works and what doesn’t. I have been growing and slinging pollen for decades and I still start a new notebook for every round of germination, which is usually every 2-3 weeks. I always want to have as much information as possible at my fingertips about every cultivar/phenotype. I want my children’s children to be able to know how to successfully grow genetics that I pass down through generations haha. Growing cannabis is a lot like life; always take the good with the bad and just keep growing and learning brother! I wish you well with it! Positive vibes…
