Juicy Woo and others

Big investment though :grin: 2x 1000w circa 1982 vertical halides hung high from the git blowing up an area of 8’x16’ is strong sauce on the cheap. In 4gal 12x12" pots packed tight that’s looking at 128 per whack, dig.



at 2016 I light depped it 5 weeks 11/13, and at the end of August, when we have like 13,5 hours per day, I stopped. of course those 13,5 is rapidly decreasing so in week it is like 12hours 50 minutes… but after week it started to reveg all old timer haze, your haze, malawi… all sativas started to reveg.


13.5 is probably pushing it. And I suspect you are talking sunrise to sunset and not civil twilight hours.


yes, sunrise to sunset.


hawaiian gas


That looks really hazey actually. I love how healthy the leaves are at the bottom of the plant, expert mode grow. :slightly_smiling_face:


thanks. it is hazy pheno. and best wishes for 2023 and good luck with reproduction! thats what the world needs :smiley: more understanding, more love and more fresh haze seeds! hahahahaha :smiley:

best wishes for 2023 to all who are watching Juicy and friends.



my last buds of acid haze, grown at 2020… I smoked them at 21st of Dec…


hawaiian gas, thai haze pheno


Well time will tell, but I think I screwed up. I think I left Miss Juicy too long and she may have succumbed to botrytis. I took her down a week ago, and she was flagging. I probably should have taken her a couple of weeks earlier but have gotten crazy busy before the holidays…anyway, she has that sickly citrus aroma and her buds easily come apart. No brown shriveling leaves, but her coloring may have been more than just a ripening. I will see, but I have encountered this before…


@MAHAKALA, out of likes but the gear looks great!! Some impressive stuff you have growing, that acid beauty sounds great. Can’t wait to try that one :grin::wink:!



yeah grow real buddah weed! like Tom Hill says “talking to the mirror”, isnt that some kind of deep meditation??? hahahaha like everything has its scale in this universe, temperature or pressure, such way psyche has its scale of psychic experiences. one limit of this scale is mirror, and second is medusa… concsiousness slides from one to other on its scale.

after smoking sour mango pheno of it, I had visual hallucinations in the middle of the day!!! no joke.


shit happens, hopefully you will get something to smoke from it. next time it will be better I am sure.

keep it up.


I was banned at icmag LOL. this site is much more friendly I have to say, nobody attacked me here for my opinions, nobody tried to discredit me… I feel fine here. thank you OG!

hawaiian gas


Shame that the IC crowd is dominated by so few . Anyone who departs from the party line is tarred , feathered & CANCELLED . Doesn’t matter the subject ie hempies other than perlite/vermiculite , not acknowledging that Nevils Haze is the pinnacle & the only true haze etc etc . Shame as it’s a treasure trove of knowledge once one gets past the demagouges .


cant write it better, it seems that owner feeds and breeds trolls intentionally… it should be called trolls farm, and even nobody attacks me, I feel such hidden passive agressivity from most members, uncontrolled jealousy, envy, hate and closed mind.

everything what I don’t associate with using cannabis at all. I associate the opposite. such beautiful plant which shines by pure love, and these people just rumor, discredit and hate you. nasty shit around us loved plant.


even look at Tom Hills post in this thread, just fine guy, shows respect and is friendly… try to share his knowledge, just how it should be…

if you know him only from post at icmag, you would say it is rude, pissed off guy who is calling everybody fuckers and nutters LOL

positive vibe cancels those negativity, icmag is negative dark hole, which can eats you easily, if you dont agree with obvious bullshit known as truth there LOL


I’m an old man & have little enough time . I’m not inclined to waste any on lunatics . The world’s gone crazy , no more can people who disagree have a civil conversation . We can learn from anyone , even if it’s what NOT to do . Been all over this world & people all want the same things . Don’t recall anyone saying they want the suppression of free thought / speech .
FWIW I grew up smoking Central & South American sativas & also like the SE Asian / Indian ones too . Sometimes I want to soar with the condors & sometimes chill in the shade with the tigers , monkeys & maybe an elephant or two …


I was banned for ignoring moderation, when there was none zero moderation, there is moderation for somebody only…

I donated over 1000 seeds there, dont even talk about information I shared and inspiration for many other growers… got attacked by toxic person, and it was me who got banned LOL icmag is junk.


I have to shake resentiment from myself now LOL LOL gotta smoke some good weed and just let it be. nature will care about them hahaha

Tom Hill is banned there too, so I am in good company hahahaa