Juicy Woo and others

They’re just jealous…hell I’d kill just to have access to M’s genetics…


Unfortunate loss for icmag but a big gain to OG, glad to hear this is your new home as you always have interesting projects goin on. Thanks for sharing all the info.


yeah again hahaha. thank you man. that knowledge is the problem, as they dont have so much knowledge, but everybody can get it by growing and observing enough of plants, just dont be lazy if you really want to know right, and through experimenting with it - I dont say there are not people with more knowledge than me, like Tom Hill or Skunkman etc. but I have continual conversatins with breeders like Tom, Louis from ACE or Wallyduck, and mostly we agree each other. and my haters cant find any valid arguments against mine, so they try to insult or troll etc… and I said… wait… drums, that I improved nevilles haze by crossing it with vietnamese. and some even understand what I mean by improving nev haze, but some without knowledge live in dream that nevilles haze is the best haze etc… while never grew original haze or black vietnamese etc., their opinion is really funny: original ahze is weak shit, thats why nevilles haze is strong hahha do you see that logic? they are even able to discredit skunkman, talking about him some trash, like he is hippie and he didnt have money, and was living at somebody, I forget name, and that somebody couldnt get rid of him and his wife, so how such homeless guy can make any breeding etc. just bullshit overall, so it is no wonder they tried to discredit me and just throw some shit on me like apes LOL especially words of improving nev haze provoked them a lot LOL and they think that it is my narcissistic ego talk, but I think that it is really improvement to sativa side LOL there are also cultural differences, and English is not my native language. probably more reasons. I am sure you know it from your life, that not everybody loves you. just one day in a life hahaha. and they just got terribly butt hurt, especially one guy who asked me for amnesia cut in the past, and I told him no… very butt hurt… and one thing we are all high LOL hahahahaha. but nice heated discution in the end. only what is disgusting thing is how some can hate so easily… I have really nice haters ball club. once you create something new and innovative, it can be controversial for those with rigid minds. even the beatles got haters LOL but new forms come and old die, but yeah it is still haze.


crazy uncontrolled jelousy yes. ¨

shoot me a message on hazyfunk@protonmail.com if you want to support my work.


makes me happy you enjoy it. thanks for positive vibes.


Well I sure find your posts interesting and entertaining. And the Tropical Boogie was some of the best herb I’ve ever grown. So let’s hope those with rigid views can lighten up and find some joy, eh? :smiley:


I like to go low and slow when it comes to processing and curing cannabis. In the tropics (Costa Rica) I have used aircon. This guy, @StocktonT he knows what he is talking about. Westerners will say citrus but we only really know ripe mango and it’s actually a green mango that only Aussies and other tropical folk speak that sharp mango language. That is the fresh live smell prevalent but not tenacious. After that sharp fruity profile oxidizes the tenacious chocolate shows up to the party.


@StocktonT definitely knows tropical growing and thai genetics. and he proved hempy wrong so many times, it is not possible to count LOL

hey @TexasTea some people are not those who would stand in first row… they follow later, when there is a crowd, so when there was crowd of jack herrer growers, they joined the crowd, when it was new, they were not there… they don’t discover, they wait for others to discover and some of those low class ones can even throw some shit at you, when you are exploring it as first. just human race hhahahahha

with that I dont want to say I am first who made toms haze hybrids. TomHill, CBF, Hazylady, Paco and TierraRojo, Mustafunk inspired me in it.

I also grew toms haze crosses from others, like F13haze or 90´haze x toms haze. both crosses are using euphoric males, not trippy ones though.


they say variety is spice of life…yeah great idea! but this thaihaze cancels it a little. I love mexican haze, it is speedy active warm happy etc… and If I smoke only mexican haze like mextasy(toms haze x oaxacan79) or surreal(mextasy x bshw), it seems quite strong to me, but when I smoke it after thaihaze it seems weak to me LOL… and practically everything else, including diesel LOL

so for me mexican haze in the morning/noon, thaihaze afternoon and evening, in the night for some ride hahaha, but when I want just to relax in the evening, I smoke hash of blue haze. as haze lover I can be without A5 whole day hahaha.

what is magnificent on original haze and what A5 doesn’t have, that with every toke, every joint you get higher, like you don’t believe it how high you can get…


@TomHill & @MAHAKALA thanks for the kind words, I am but a novise when it comes to tropical growing but I have studdied the fruits of tropical growing for a long time. Thai and the likes are my grail and it truly is a moving target hehe :wink: i love the hunt and yes, variety is the spice of life. I am a fan of cannabis, I love these heart-pounding mentally challenging types, I like a lot of others if they have that wow effect.

You’d love it down here south of lat. 10 N. Can’t grow haze hybrids well at all hahaha, no NL or Skunk please hehehe. One love brothers!


there is no reason why you should be growing anything with NL or Skunk at that climate, as they were mixed in to make haze hybrids grow able indoors, as haze is not indoors friendly. NLSkunkHaze is not bred to be grown in tropics… in such climate only hybrids like haze x thai or haze x zamal give some sense imo.


I grew this haze hybrids cuts:

nevilles haze - various cuts

skunkhaze - titans haze, OSH, mr. nice skunkhaze, sams thaihazeskunk

NLhaze - various C5s, mango haze, super silver haze, amnesia core, amnesia haze, widow haze, G13 x super silver haze, silver haze. bandaid haze7, ghosttrainhaze, A5panama, mexican haze(A5/oaxacan) x G13haze…

I smoked various crosses these dutch guys are making, sage x jack herrer, amnesia x jack herrer, northern lights x amnesia, G13 X Nevilles haze, nevilles haze x jack herrer, nycd x G13haze, SSH x NLamnesia, mexican haze, amsterdam purple haze93 and abraxas hawaiian haze.

none of it is good as good toms haze. but toms haze is not easy to grow indoors. it doesnt work like hybrid. thats why I need hybrids of it. Tom Hill says that his haze is better than colombian haze used by Nevil. well you can agree or disagree. but I agree as I found good toms haze hybrid better than those I mentioned above. I dont want to insult any lover of dutch hazes, I like some of them, but my opinion is that toms haze hybrids are just superior to that dutch stuff colombian haze aka incense haze.


Hey Maha, the Mindblower smells like it’s gonna be hard core, intense fuel in the drying racks at this stage!


thats what is this breeding program about, not just to find plants which are the closest in effect with thaihaze, but also to create new exciting terps profiles, like I said I was lucky with mindblower in it…

let us know how it smokes for you.

your plants are beautiful.



Yes my Mindblower easily competed with modern hybrids in terms of the sheer power of its terps. I the fuel smell more oily so I call it creosote. I also got some metal shop smells which Fitz also smelled when i gave him a sample.


My cut is actually being used in a few crosses made by others now that I have spread it around which is exciting.


It may be a good thing you are not hanging out there anymore.
Your experience has my experience too.
When they can not argue with the statements you make, they make it personal.
The mods allow and encourage this action.

How do I know?.. I was banned there too.
Seems anyone that wants to think for themselves is an outcast over there.

I know it sounds absolutely bat shit crazy but it would not surprise me at all if some of the members/moderators are paid by the FBI ect.

I confronted 1 member there after he became my friend for over 6 months, he was working some kind of psy-op on me, trying to manipulate my thinking.
I played along until he made a critical mistake, then he suddenly wiped his account, never to be heard from again. :shushing_face:

Some weird and scary shit goes on over there behind the scene, if you are good at reading between the lines you can spot it, but you gotta be looking for it.

I know some are saying to themselves right now, that guy shag is a crazy Mofo…LOL

What is really crazy is when you start a thread, someone comes into your thread totally off topic, trolling you hard, with crazy personal attacks, and if you say anything back and you are the one banned not the troll.

Before I got banned, I has 3 regular moderators, 2 super moderators, and Gypsy himself in my thread.

Gypsy was pretending to be my friend, and the super mod “Badticket” was staking me at my normal hang out.
He was polite but wanted me to know he was watching me.

We all were talking bad about someone who shall be nameless, that accepted seeds for seed bay, but screwed over the breeders.
The breeders never got their money so these breeders, who we all know and love round here were bitching about it on a private site.

It was like I was hanging out at a good friend’s house and suddenly this guy shows up and is just staring me down.
I called him on it, he never replied.
My banning happened shortly after that… :thinking:

Some weird and scary shit is going on over at that site.
Have you noticed how many folks are there that don’t even seem to grow weed?
I just wonder why are they there.
Some are there every day all day long.
Most of them seem to be saying the same things over and over, to me that is just weird.


many times happened to me. that troll stepped in, trolling and trolling… and mod did nothing.

so who knows, I dont know how it is, but sure it is weird. very weird.


I dont know hahhaahahaha.

just plain immediate reaction.


The Mindblower is pretty much dry now so I’ll jar it for a few days prior to a preliminary report. Looks like the yield from the two is a little over 200gm, so 7 1/2oz. Maybe 7 with the stalks removed.
Here’s a bud pic from each plant. One has more pistils which makes the frost not stand out as much
Stinky stuff!