Juicy Woo and others

very nice @StickyBandit , enjoy fruit of your work…

when I look at those buds, I think they could bulk even more, I think it needed another week. patience is the key…



I’ll give you my wife’s number so you can explain it :stuck_out_tongue:
I have 2 more in that I’ll try to run longer :slight_smile:
I also have 4 clones but not sure I have the space. So many strains to try



yeah I cant see from pics when it is flowering, but when I see dried buds, I think it was chopped a little early. more racing and heart beating for you, but duration can be shorter, and taste lighter.

I created it, you grew it and your wife decides when to chop it? I am for emancipation, but this is too much, don’t you think. quite a kind of very aggressive feminism, right? :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



What method and duration do you recommend for cure?
I have been bagging my sativas and sealing in a dark, airtight bucket at room temp ~62RH
Indica we found to be better fresher…


I try to dry it the slowest I can with so much fresh air I can, I guess you have climatization, so it is not problem for you. so for me slow cold drying, and same for curing, slow and cold… when it is dried, I put it into glass jars and put them into fridge. in 3 months it is cured. I am doing this with diesels as well as with sativas. like I said I dont like fermentation or any higher temps curing.

sometimes I dig jars, for security issues, under ground, like 60 cm… so temperature of soil is from 18 °C to 11 °C, so higher temps than in fridge, and buds change color quite drastically in comparison to fridge… and also taste is not that good… the effect is more strong though… I like buds from fridge.

mindblower you can smoke from the start. try it.


I have a few more coming through Maha, 2x Mindblowers on the left and 4x Chocolate Funks on the right

I have a few MB clones I wasn’t going to grow but it seems a shame to bin them


@MAHAKALA haha. For years I tried to stay quiet and calm about it, follow the rules of society and act humble lol. Now I am old, fuck it, yeah man that old Positronics haze is the best in my opinion. Or else I would grow that other stuff. I have access to basically anything I want for several decades now, but that haze is best. You have to find it, it’s not easy, but when you find it the bar is higher now for everything else.


sure it is, that 5% is different category. I love it.

I want to look to zamal genetics yet. mango and carrots… hermies and autoflowering traits, but still I have to look there.

I wish I can find pure sativa of the same level, as heavy thai posi haze. unrelated line. and pair it with your haze. seems better vision for me than to self or inbred it… although you said you grew many thai sativas from 2000 to 2010 and didn’t find anything equal… it doesn’t give me much of optimism though. my hopes goes for zamal now. wish me luck.


I just like to find a really good one. And make them pay for their sins :joy:



hey @TomHill what do you think about this NH website? :slightly_smiling_face: :laughing: :upside_down_face:


That’s it 'mano throw some gasolina on that fire…


hehehe I apologize if you read it LOL hahaha.


Haha thanks for the laughs. You know what I think about that stuff already. That other stuff can be excellent indeed, especially when judged on a mean phenotypical value curve. In other words the average of that line is better than the average of mine. It’s when we only look at the very top of the lines, that’s when my shit starts to spank all that other haha :joy:


I remember that I told to my friend Bohemp that Toms haze is soo good around 2012, then he said why I dont make seeds with it, not to loose it. he put worm in my head. I was not feeling like I am really so skilled to do that. but for myself? why not? so I made some seeds with some phenos, not open pollination at all. I chose nice strong sticky males, dont remember number, like 5 or so, only.

and in that greenhouse there were also trainwrecks, nevilles haze and few cuts of peyote purple. and I found some seeds in them, not much you know. I really had no plan to make some hybrids. I had dchaze from Tom and tons of other haze hybrids. I grew cuts of ghosttrainhaze in that time a lot.

I gave trainwreck x thh and nh x thh to my friends, just for fun… one of them, sour diesel grower by the way, I gave him some sour cuts too. he grew trainwreck x thh and gave me buds of mango pheno… it was nice chunky, smelled as good as amnesia for example. I smoked it and first in my life I felt like I am levitating…no joke, levitation effect. he grew it indoors in coco…look at it:

absolutely beats any dutch haze I know… crazy effect in only 12 weeks…

from that time I smoked it, I knew I will have to make more hybrids if it is not only some exceptional cross.

peyote x haze had excellent taste and head, brain storming, but it had the same negative sides for sativa lovers as dutch hazes, burn out. shorter duration. not so energetic… spacey…

that was how my journey with haze started and continues till now.

toms haze hybrids are the best weed for me…


I think I got really lucky with finding Mr. Shine, he was the tallest among those other males, around 21 males or so… I had to give my friend a lot of weed so he could make some room for these males, to compensate his time and room. he was like flowering only males? are you crazy? hahahaha. but it is not so hard, you need only 7 weeks of flowering to see. but this one was shining from the beginning. he has such green silver aura around him… only one who was not smelling fruity… just sour metallic green curry… his flowers were pale green. no color… soo happy with him, and many other people are happy with his progeny, like you can see in this thread. real winner!

although what suprised me is the fact he is strictly green, but progeny can be colorful also… it can be from other side of cross always. but I think that kona gold is strictly green, or trainwreck/thai is strictly green, and it still puts out some colorful phenos here and there, not much you know. I got both, kona gold and tw/thai as cuts, so I dont know if their sisters can be colorful. at mindblower or juicy it is clear as mothers are colorful. so still, I have to find out yet, if he really puts out colorful phenos, despite he is stricly green. still not sure.

also I got a lot of cherry phenos, he doesnt smell cherry at all and I dont remember I would ever get cherry pheno of toms haze…

any input on this Tom? that strictly green male puts out colorful progeny(not sure of this) and gives cherry terps(100% sure it is from him) despite the fact he is sour green curry smell??? is it so unstable that if I use strictly green pheno in cross, I can get colorful progeny still?


also when I describe the effect of these toms haze hybrids, some people…

it is probably jealousy again - by the way have you notice guys? that mod who banned me for nothing at icmag, begged, two times already, starcrash to make seeds with my cross? begged so hard. so reason from banning me is uncontrolled jealousy and the fact nutters cant get hand on these things. I have to make it available publicly or I will be banned all the time hahahahhaha.

…try to state that I am light weight and have no tolerance, thats why I describe it like that - that is their explanation, as they cant get such effect from their mango haze or nevilles haze… NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! you nutters, toms haze hybrids are as strong as nevilles haze, just much more FUN!!! much more rich in psychoactivity… more energized, higher ceilling etc…

they say I like nevilles haze it works for me, yeah I like it too, but my question would be have you ever smoked properly grown original haze??? so you can see what influence norther lights had on its effect?

I remember when bushweed, //everybody knows bushweed… he grew tons of crosses from Nevil…// and when he grew original haze he got from charlie garcia… he had to admit it is superior to any nevilles haze, and he grew tons of it. from my point of view he is honest, and even despite the fact he sells nevills haze hybrids, he can admit it… hat down and respect.


Chocolate Funk
35 Days 11/13

The Chocolate Funks are starting to pack on the beef. The tops have recovered well from bending the stalks over


some funky chunks. what is day of flowering at these? thanks for sharing and good job bandit.

this is father of choc funk, Mr. Shine 2022 from cut:


nevilles haze thai pheno, bohemps cut:

was hit by various toms haze males(not Mr. Shine) like I said, not intentionally. and this is its progeny, and the reason why I got banned LOL


Bro they all follow me in secret and dm me on Instagram the mods there are not happy with the situation either lol.