Juicy Woo and others

Well it’s official, the Mindblower is the new family favorite!
Not only does it have good, strong psychoactive effect that lasts well and gets the bizziies on and great taste but it also has little to no hangover or tiredness
We’ll have to wait and see if the Chocolate Funk can edge past it but it has big shoes to fill :smiley:


yeah haze male is strong… mother of mindblower has some crashing comedown after 2-3 hours of effect, but haze male took it off… I love HAZE! mindblower really hit the jackpot, I told myself that if one of those outcrosses I made with thai dom hybrids and Mr. Shine will have thaihaze like high, one at least, it would be success. but mindblower, grandfunk and juicy hit it… so big success…

right pheno of choc funk can be really strong. hopefully you get one.

haze on!


I don’t know what is that effect but it pinches nerves in the back of the skull like Mexican headache weed. It’s not persistent there are moments it relieves. But no way it is in the same class as haze.


Re the price of seed. I have always sold seed to friends on the mountain here for $2 going back to 1986. If that’s the one price that doesn’t change then I am happy. Correct on that other also. I am still waiting to be paid for seed I have put 14 years ago. Or the seed back, or something. It’s a shady biz man it makes my heart not feel good.


it is cross of thai and lumbomex. if it is lumbomex pheno, then it smokes like lumbomex :smiley: or maybe the whole line was inbred towards lumbomex by some mistake. I dont know, but I see more and more reports where people say it smokes like mexican/colombian…

I am sure that their highland thai is legit, some crosses like their zamal/thai or malawi/thai were top in my book. and contain electric thai phenos…

but if it is the same level as haze, not sure :smiley: that is hard, you yourself said that your line is heavy thai, but more complex than pure thai, right? so it is very hard for any line to compete with good haze. it is all about that complexity and multidimensionality of the effect.


Hmong/Meao Thai, Oaxacan, and PR

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I’m getting some beautiful green apple, sour mango skin aroma from the Choc Funk at this early stage. Buds are getting FAT!! I’ll post some pics on the weekend :smiley:


Old Thai seeds from Dan Chang - 2 popped !!!


green sour mango sounds promising for some strong smoke… green apple, I think that @TomHill talked about apple smell at his favorite ones… not sure now.

as for chocolate phenos, it smells weird and chemically the whole time it flowers, then at the end of flowering it turns into chocolate smell, and of course after some curing, it is earhy chocolate stuff… that pheno.


You are all totally and completely fucked :joy:


I trying but I can not find a better way to say it.


looks broad leaf. totally skunkhaze :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


toms haze hybrid, mother was trainwreck/thai from billy goat, so 50% of thai. then I added thai dominant toms haze male into the mix… and it looks very thai imo:


Choc Funks 46 day 11/13


A couple of Mindblowers 68 days 11/13


one of my toms haze hybrids. look at that resin on stems, it is the one…


new fresh innovative controversial subversive abundant uncompromising undiscovered FORMS of haze hybrid.

we are in front row, on first wave, we are pioneers of new forms, benders of new corners, creators of new styles, searchers for new experiences, diggers of new categories, changers of the course, where we are going, there aint stopping, where mediocrity is no option. inventors of new herbs.
and here is our manifest:

  1. we want the herb that takes you high for hours

  2. we want the herb which is maximally cerebral and psychoactive.

  3. we want herb that builds minimal tolerance.

  4. we want herb that brings joy and pleasure to our hearts.

  5. we want herb which elevates human spirit to non expectable highs.

  6. we want herb which designs our minds into new mental, emotional and energetic levels.

  7. we want herb that allows us to hear big sound of this atomic age.

  8. we want herb which taste beyond our imagination.


what we dont want in haze hybrids, and what has to be excluded…

  1. we dont want haze hybrid which makes a person deaf and blind. we want the opposite! we want haze hybrid which helps your mind to develop more than 5 senses.

  2. we dont want haze hybrid which makes you feel like almost drunken, silly or goofy…

  3. we dont want haze hybrid which makes you feel muddy.

  4. we dont want haze hybrid which decreases your IQ.

  5. we dont want haze hybrid which makes you feel crashed and devastated. we want haze hybrid which makes feel inspirational and uplifted.

  6. we dont want haze hybrid which works like opiates. narcotic… and has stony body effect.


Which one is that? or is it a secret :stuck_out_tongue:

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secret weed. yeah :kissing:. you know me Bandit bro. it is thai hybrid crossed with toms haze. as well as choco funk or mindblower… did ya await something else? hahahaha :laughing:

pic of Hawaiian Gas(HawaiianWebbedIndica/MolokaiFrost x tomas haze) grown at dirty south…