Juicy Woo and others

Hahaha I think I’ll be ok for a while thanks mate
Mrs. Bandit is ploughing through the Mindblower, it’s the new family favorite! They’re not touching the other strains in the jars, or not often. I was hoping to get some cure on it but I doubt it will last long enough :frowning: Maybe they will like the Choc Funk better if it’s ready soon enough and I can stash some MB away :stuck_out_tongue:


Id love to see that crossed with BOEL Hawaiian


It’s obviously a sk1 hybrid.


hehehehehe :laughing: it is more narrow than some landrace thais I saw in this stage…


tell us more about Boel hawaiian… smells, effects, phenos. please.

I sent you some of my hawaiian hazes, dont remember which one now, but you can cross it yourself :smiley:

as for hawaiian hazes, it has some features from hawaiians, like smells a little, shorter flowering time, but otherwise haze male run over it and transformed it into HAZE!

I had two days pause from smoking… and then rolled some df13haze… spicy metallic/diesel sour chocolate/coffee taste on exhale… I love it… it is good that there is not burgundy element in it… I got similar pheno in juicy woo which were also sour metallic chocolate/coffee but with burgundy element in it. and it makes quite difference in taste. juicy is more heart beating though than df13haze… more kicking in the head initially. df13haze is more calm and total creeper kind of, but I am surprised how the effect of df13haze is clear… dont remember if I got such clear high from 11 weeker ever…

now Im gonna smoke some dry sift from hawaiian gas… Saturday morning heaven… like Spinoza says, the more pleasure you feel, the better person you are… nice imperative.

have good Saturday too, brothers and sisters.


More narrow than the Thai that went into it in 1976 drawn by Robert Clarke in marijuana botany.


The Boel is super overated lol. Surfers rule and a bunch of fags from Laguna Beach don’t get to override that.


well al hawaiians I grew, are nice and unique, HWIMF even very strong!, but no way it is close to good thai in effect. of course… like we said already, it is different category and incomparable…

northern lights came from Hawaii too… from guy called Herb Nelson… but dutch NL are different. much more afghan, dutch NL is afghnanized a lot…

and still I believe that for example Kona Gold cut I have, is better parent for haze, in case of making true F1s, than any dutch northern lights… I think result speaks for itself… no need for discussion, as everybody can try it… get some NL and crossed it with haze, then get some hawaiian, like federation hawaiian and crossed with real haze, and you will see yourself what is better parent for haze in terms of keeping at least some of those wonderful qualities of real haze.

crossing haze with dutch NL is the way how to fuck up the haze, get ceiling down, shorten duration, and ruin complexity of real haze effect… oh yes NLhaze is easier to grow indoors, but we are not growing it under fluoros anymore right? NLs were grown under fluoros in Seattle back in the days right? and developed for it… we have better lighting today.


You know in your heart what is real brother.


These Boel guys they did not think anybody was watching. I am here to say no. No no no you Laguna clowns barely smoke weed


Clowns being plural…:neutral_face: :bat:(Man).


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Dan Chang - Thai


Yeah, NL Greg and another chemist and I talked about this quite a bit.
I HATED NL when I was starting off. Bland, and single-note stone.
Then I tried the Pez cut if the real NL5 in Seattle and realized - oh, theres different NLs.

Yeah, this Boel line is what Herb crossed the NL to to make NL5

This Hawaiian has a wide range of smells, very few that Ive smelled before.
Ive found - pickles, garlic , mango, paprika, curry, cute hippie chick, floral hand soap, baby puke/poo, just a whole spectrum.
The highs are sublime - like a wanna grab a boogie board and go surfing. Weight off the shoulders. Not a bit of lethargy. Once in a while, a plant will be speedy, but most of them are like a chord on a piano - hitting a bunch of notes.

Theres some really cool NLD plants that stretch like crazy and want to become big trees. The other end of the spectrum is like earlier BB releases. But most are 2/3 sativa.

I have one Hi x Flo x BB in veg now thats pretty skunky, first time i got skunk in Hi.


Cant deny they brought us some amazing genetics that wed be lost without.
Oaxacan, Michocan, shit, just all the Mexicans, Colombian, Panama, Honduran, SE Asians, Indians, Nepal, Afghans, Pakis, Iranian, Africans, etc.

You do great work. Just curious how many seed Safari’s youve done.

And, Im wondering if BOEL were govt assets. Just like Ted Bundy (PSD driver for 2 governors, retrieved MKUltra files from a number of hospitals to coverup what happened to patients), John Wayne Gacey (Secret Service), Son of Sam (fall guy for Hand of Doom / Finders Club), etc. Or like how the Cartel is used to raise money for black ops.


Cute Hippie Chick, LOL must be the best name for a smell I heard in a long time got me spitting out the morning coffee, love it!


once I was in greenhouse full of hazes and sniffing, and I smelled something familiar… I was like what is that known fragrance… and then I got it… fresh pussy! very feminine fragrance heheheh


hahaha lucky it was “fresh” hehhe


Yeah, exactly.
Its amazing the smells cannabis makes.
And the cool thing is its not like its an anomaly - strains from all over the globe have intriguing smells.

Delicatessen’s Lilly was the first time I smelled ‘cute hippie chick’ (from a plant)


I still laugh, can you explain the ”cute” part hahaha

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Its unenglishable