Juicy Woo and others

Yes I thought so, hahaha, funny as fuck though and even if I don’t know exactly what you mean I get the picture hehe

Cute hippie chick smell from Hawaiin

And this is more like less than fresh hippie chick from Chem D


hahaha yea, I imagine the D has a more pungent hippie girl smell haha


This thread though…… when I took my hiatus last year you had just began this and I was highly intrigued and excited to see what you posted next. Now I found it again and had about 250to read lol, and I feel my head grew twice it’s size today…. But seriously what an absolute wealth of info. I have stayed away from hazes and such because of my anxiety and I had a few bad experiences 26 or so years back with some. But I’ve always wanted that experience (hell I crave it after reading stuff you and Tom have stated) I just don’t know where to start. (The only haze I have in my entire collection is nl5xhaze and even that scares me a bit, my mentor loves his hazes and has a few he’s held forever. He’s always telling me “you don’t know what you are missing” or “you and your night night shite, we don’t you try some sativas, stay with us a bit” lol I think I’m gonna pop a couple this year at some point and see for myself. If I don’t like it, I’ll pass it off. Now the problem is where to start, and where they are. Any info/input is welcomed for a hazenewb


@MAHAKALA this thread is truly a wealth of info and a great read all around everyone should experience. Thanks for sharing all this valuable info and your experiences . Hell you even made a haze hater plan on trying some out soon…. Now that’s saying something lol


thank you man, I am glad I inspired you. .

if you dont like anxiety, avoid haze, and all my black vietnamese crosses hahahaahahaha.

you must understand that real haze is not relaxing weed. it is psychoactive weed, you must use it according to that fact, and not await some relief… also it is recommended to smoke it in friendly environment, and with mind tuned into nice positive vibes. as like was said your usual daily consciousness is weaken, you have little defense against outer psychic suggestions etc. then it can lift you up to the highs you would not expect ever… but of course if mind is tuned to some negative side of life, you can get paranoid quickly and very anxious.

I smoked some acid beauty(toms haze x black vietnamese) and watched some sport match. it didn’t give me any sense, that game… nor I knew why I was watching it… made me feel uncomfortable LOL

88% haze


@TopShelfTrees1 yeah, treat sativas / hazes like mushrooms - be aware of set and setting.
Ive always been a fan of African sativas, but most people cant handle them. Too much energy and racing thoughts. But then again, I grew up on Adderall as a kid, so that anxious energy is something that doesn’t really phase mae.

Just like with mushrooms - know how to let that energy flow out of you (dance, move, or relax) and also to enjoy the heightened brain activity instead of getting stuck in anxiety thought loops.
As you start with them, have some CBD weed on hand incase you wanna kill the trip (like taking a xanax to kill an lsd trip)


thank you for the advice gentlemen i truly appreciate it, maybe one day ill give it a shot in the right setting (with some CBD isolate on hand) i appreciate it very much


@MAHAKALA remembered our quick back and forth about silvery/light colored flowers, I’ve got this clone of Snake Venom that is some really special stuff. It’s totally some hybridized shit but man is it potent and just has that silver shine. Really burns the nose. Also doesn’t change color at all with cold temps. And I mean end of season outdoor in Michigan, hitting frost. Anyway, took me until looking at it today to realize it checked the box for the light silvery weed having the good potency.


No man. Boel were like Surge from Beverly hills cop in blow. Like a super small portion of what California surfers actually drove home. That is reality.


It’s like believing Sam run off to Amsterdam with even a single decent broadleaf. It just did not happen like that man.


What surfers had a BHO lab in Afghanistan

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Yeah I need more beer too :wink: :beers:!


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I finally got my beans into one shop. very cool owner. incense sticks(bandaid haze x black vietnamese) are sold out already. it seems that bandaid haze attracts a lot…

I gave some seeds to one guy here for foodbank charity auction, and he said that incense sticks went quick too…

I see now why all that talk about incense… it sells! hahaha

makes me wonder if I should make more bandaid haze crosses. juicy woo or grandfunk just dont have that sound to people like bandaid haze, which is hyped to some degree it seems. juicy woo is new and uknown to people…

I will resist and will continue making toms haze hybrids and not bandaid haze hybrids… I will hope juicy woo or chocfunk will get its name later. dont see any reason why juicy would be worse than bandaid… in fact the opposite is the truth… but the truth doesnt sell :smiley: hahahahaa.


Flowers are plant vaginas, and resin is the secretions. Terpenes are pheromones.

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From my experience, dont let outside influence guide your decisions
Keep it Artwork.

I mean, yeah, you can cashcrop on Bandaid Haze and Piff monikers, then use those to get your name out there then they’ll find your other stuff like DF13H, JW, and others that come from your heart. But be sure to keep making your own inspirations and just allow for a couple crowd-pleasers.


You get it. That’s what “sativa” is supposed to do. It’s supposed to make everything interesting and meditative and give you the energy to go explore, maybe even have an epiphany or two.


nevils haze x toms haze


choc funk from bandit. I see my male in it… he definitely increased size of calyxes… and made it foxtaily…


Hey how is the project coming? No pics what the ####? Had a question about the haze. When I am looking at the 5%. I made RSO with blue dream and it was outstanding and since my lungs are still messing with me after catching the flu; can the THHz be made into concentrates and have same effects and/or would it be as good as the blue dream you had? I know everyone says that it doesn’t produce enough but I am growing for me so all good brother.

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