Juicy Woo and others

sure man, there is blue genetics in, so some similarity in appearance will be there. but to me it makes difference if you use nevilles haze or toms haze.

if you will try JW one day, I would be interested in your comparison with JB :smiley:

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mindblower. looks like haze from @TomHill


If i do get to grow and or smoke some, I will definitely share my thoughts on how they compare.

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Hereā€™s a Juicy Woo getting very thin in the hot heat sheā€™s experiencing.


Her purple is showing through yet her heat loving jeans are intact. Itā€™s going to be dryā€¦so we will see she compares.



I have to see how the other Acid Beauty is doing closer to the coast. Mine looks fine.


I am sure Juicy can take heat like champion Humbl

some phenos can be very narrowā€¦


here some acid beauties and choc funks are chilling in south asian greenhouseā€¦


mindblower thaihaze


Looking really nice in S Asia, Maha.

Juicy Woos

And a very shiny Acid Beauty


very beautiful. it seems they adapted alreadyā€¦ when will they start to flower? in August?


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Beautiful plant!

Though that part where you say you need a lot of stretch to get massive yields? Iā€™m not following that one. Stretch has nothing to do with yield IME. Just so you know.

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who said that? tropical cultivars are stretching thatā€™s the fact.

I have certain frame for veg times when growing hazes, according to the stretchā€¦ if you would veg bubba kush in haze time frame, you will get little yield thatā€™s the fact too. bubba needs more veg time.

if you put same size cut of haze, next to same size cut of og kush and flip it to flowering, you will get more yeild on haze, as it will be bigger plant overall at the end of flowering, og kush will be half size of it at the end of flowering. ogk needs more veg.

that stretching phase at tropical cultivar it is still not full flowering in sense of hormonal mix. it is something between vegging and flowering. you can count it to the veg. and so if haze is 14 weeks flowering, and you cut it off from stretch phase, you will get 9 weeks variety. but we usually count it to flowering phase(although it is not 100% flowering like I said), because it happens after reduction of photoperiodā€¦ but I just say that you can count stretch phase to some kind of vegging easily. it all depends on how you look at it.

try to eliminate stretch at haze means to make it more indica, and that means less haze.


Making a plant grow more like an indica doesnā€™t necessarily reduce the ā€œhaze typeā€ of the bud.

If you are looking at what the yield is, you have to take into account the amount of light itā€™s gotten. Yield goes per watt in the business, and those watts add up a lot longer in a haze than in a kush, so itā€™s only logical you would get more weight. Though this is also not necessarily true, as bud weight depends more on strain than on general sativa/indica or even total light input.

You state that a kush needs more veg. With all due respect, this, in my eyes, as a mostly indica grower, is completely false. It doesnā€™t need more veg. It also doesnā€™t need to become as big as a Sativa. They have their respective heights and it serves a purpose in both, as nature is responsible for these differences.

Indica strains developed mostly in regions that have a very high UV radiation, in mountain ranges, where the growing season is more often short, leading to the plant becoming mature faster, and to stay smaller in stature due to the harsh environmental conditions.

Sativa strains developed mostly around the equator, where you have a long growing season, so the strains that hail from there will also need a longer growing season. Though the difference in light hours is minimal in these regions, so switching the light hours has a lot less influence on the plantsā€™ flowering, because itā€™s not exactly used to having this large time difference as a flowering signal. Therefor, a Sativa plant relies partly on itā€™s maturity to induce flowering, which is true for Indica as well, but to a much lesser extent, as they have no such luxuries (waiting till maturity for flowering is not an option as that would result in no seeds having been produced in time).

In nature, around mid-flowering time, you will find cannabis plants in most stages of growth and flowering right next to each other. This is because there is a maturity aspect to take into account. If there was no such issue, theyā€™d all flower at the same time, instead of some flowering 2 months later than others.

Now there ARE instances in which stretch DOES correlate with higher yields, or, for instance, denser bud. These are, if I understand things correctly, the instances where one gene steers multiple aspects, or where multiple genes steer one aspect, or where genes are cross-linked. But this is not per se true for all hazes.

if somebody want to grow haze commercially. it is needed to get hybrid, and in this hybrids there will be not so commercial phenos too. so it is needed to select such cut which give compact buds and it is smelling excellent.

yes, it is necessarily reduce and if you disagree then tell me please about some variety which smokes like excellent haze and has indica stature? I have to see that yetā€¦

no, kush needs more veg more hours of spending electricity, so more watts goes on kush to get size. indoors commercial growers of haze in Holland for example, they flip haze cut after rooting and getting more yield in less time.

let say for hazy hybrid you need 2 weeks of vegging of 18 hours when lights are on, then let say 12 weeks of 11 hours when light are on. it is 942 hours for flowering and 252 hours for vegging.

at ogk you need for same size like 8 weeks of vegging of 18 hours o more and 10 weeks of flowering af 12 hours. 840 hours for flowering and 1008 hours for vegging. now count the hours and see where you will pay more electricity.


Ask a haze fan, Iā€™m not :laughing:

Though I have grown a few hazes that stayed short, be it because I put them in flowering rather early, or because they tend to stay short.

One was Greenthumbā€™s Dedoverde Haze, and the other was Liberty Haze, but I never finished that one IIRC; think it was during my battles with the russet mites.

Why are you counting 11 hrs for haze and 12 for kush during flower?

And with cuttings, as we were talking cuttings, you donā€™t need to add 8 weeks of veg unless you are not growing SOG.

Same plant count, same style of growing, youā€™re not going to get that much of a difference and I really doubt youā€™d ever get more light hours in with an Indica, mostly because they have evolved from places that get more intense light in a shorter timeframe.

I dont understand wha you say. I told you that I grew og kush nexto haze. so I know that it needs more veg to get same yield, both cuts were grown under same condition. it needs more veg, as any indica.


heh man so what we are talking about? there is not such plant which smokes like haze and has indica stature. and I grew few.

the closest is something from DJ Short, but still it doesnt smoke like tropical cultivar. it seems close sometimes though.


Wow, hats off to you for growing and knowing and remembering every damn haze strain.

Oh wait you said grew a few. Why does that make you sure there is no such thing again?

Iā€™ve never grown anything from DJ Short IIRCā€¦ Iā€™ve grown stuff that had some of his genetics in there, but never a DJ strain.

Though, like I said, Iā€™m not the biggest haze fan, and Iā€™m kind of over this discussion.

You grew 2 plants next to each other, great, you gave one more veg, great, but does that say anything other than your Haze grew better?

Hereā€™s mine. Iā€™ve never grown a monocultivar grow, and I most often give them (sativa and indica) just as much time in veg regardless of their height. Iā€™ve never struggled to get an Indica to yield more than a Sativa, but the other way around rarely happened, if ever.

Anway Iā€™m done with the discussion because Iā€™m starting to notice Iā€™m getting a bit cranky because of it, so Iā€™m sorry if that rubbed off or anything, not here to pick a fight.

Agree to disagree is fine for me.

Oh and letā€™s not forget the absolute possiblity that I just suck at growing Haze and you suck at growing kush. Not saying this is true, but in the realm of possibility nonetheless.

Hahahahaha Liberty Haze and Dedoverde Haze is your experience with Haze and you want to start arguing with Mahakala?? The internet is hilarious.