Juicy Woo and others

This is one of the bitchiest threads on this site. Let’s keep up the love y’all!



Dedoverde Haze from HSO huh?

In the late 90’s, Breal got a few clones from a friend in Redding, CA, that was the original “California Haze”. The genetics have been kept in the crew and maintained by Kief Sweat for many years, also being used in our Dedoverde Haze Auto line.

:rofl::joy::rofl: Sure he did. Some “elite” ‘California Haze’ cut that absolutely no one has ever heard of…

and then “Liberty Haze” from Barney’s (herm) Farm shouldn’t even have haze in the name :joy:
Its chemdawg(think it made it across the pond?) x G13Haze

The NL5Haze genetics I work with will massively out yield an indica or OGK plant in the same time frame, veg/flower/height, doesn’t matter. But I’m also not posting it in here as it’s not true haze.


yeah, true haze doesn’t like indoor environment, so one needs haze hybrid with hint of wld at least.

but I saw haze x jamaican from mustafunk grown in Australia, and it gave huge dense dreadlock colas… crazy. so I think it is possible even with haze x another tropical cultivar maybe…

but wld mixed in helps with adaptation to indoors for sure.

skunkhaze also yields hugely.


surrealV2, this pheno I selected for the effect. not bag appeal or yield…


Idk man, if you know what you’re looking for I’d say the bag appeal looks absolutely :fire: from here :heart_eyes:

Reminds me of my favorite lemon cheese haze plant

Also not selected for looks, would’ve been selected for effects but the clones never rooted and reveg failed :cry: also not true haze, It’s (super lemon haze x exodus cheese) x (C5Haze x SensiStar).


Probably late August into early September. Once they start stretching like crazy, we will know it is time…

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looks nice. this one pheno of mindblower can be commercial one. and it is 75% thaihaze roughly… it is from seed. so from cut it can be more chunky and robust.


I see so you will chop juicy at the beginning of December. acid beauty will be ready at the end of December, maybe January… wish you good luck, and I cant wait to see them in full bloom there…


That seems about right. They are going to be quite large by then, Maha.


great, my haze brother. I love haze trees :smiley:


Hey Mahakala,

Which of your offerings would you recommend for indoor and not going over 16 weeks? These days I have the time and space to grow some out, so I’m thinking of doing it next run in 12 weeks. Looks like the Grandfunk and DF13 Haze would be what I’m looking for. Anything else you offer that would fit the bill? Thanks for any info and insight!


I just started some Chocolate Funk, It is similar to what you are looking for. I think Mindblower is another option to go with Grandfunk and DF13.



Thanks! Sounds killer. Best of luck with them! I’ll be super interested to see how they turn out for you. Been out of likes for awhile. Haha

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hey bro. thanks for interest.

you can find 11/12 weekers in grandfunk, mindblower, df13haze, juicy… you can find 13/14 weekers still in these. bear in mind that father is pure thaihaze. and flowering from cut you get more chunky and quicker plants than from flowering from seed…

grandfunk for that citric thai electric phenos, mindblower for very greasy sour loud smells and strong psychoactivity, choc funk for earthy choc phenos, df13haze is for those who can think thaihaze is too edgy for them, dont enjoy edginess, diesel takes it down to more relax side. but still very haze :smiley:

when you will find this pheno of mindblower, choc thai pheno, you will scream hallelujah!


surrealV2, selected cut. from seeds it was only metallic sandalwood sourness, but now from cut I get some slight tangy grapey tones… mother of surrealV2 was big sur holyweed grape cut…


Sweet! Thanks for the info! I’ll definitely be flowering out cuts to keep them as tamed as possible. Haha


Mmmm Mindblower. Just wanted to pip in and say my pheno of MB that I shared around a bit is very terpy. A friend who makes rosin from everything he grows showed me a pic of the rosin that oozed liquidy terps out. He guesses it’s around 4 to 5 % terps. Lemme see if I can dig that pic up.


Ah it was actually a video of him poking a rosin ball and terps just oozing… Don’t think I can post vids :confused:

Seed Source the only spot for your packs and do you restock occasionally with them? These would be fun as heck to run next.

it is not only spot. it was available at getseedsrighthere.com too, but very quickly out of stock too. you have to be quick…

we work on restock at these too… but it is hard. as MAHAKALA seeds it is not typical seedbank LOL and we have zero marketing, we focus on plants more than on selling… not much of seller skills here, only breeding.

these seedbanks dont like we dont have packaging etc. also payment is problematic… it was available mainly due to their good will and friendly attitude… I dont think it has any impact on their sales if they have MAHAKALA seeds or not… they were very helpful as they packed seeds and made nice effort with presentation.

I let you know, it seems we are very close to deal with getseedsrighthere. but let see… it is not agreed yet…