Just Say No To "Partners"

I’m not a fan of partners. I like to call the shots and make the command decisions. As a type A personality it’s just not right for me. I think it’s more rare to see partnerships that really work but I do know several that are really productive. I think each party staying in their own lane factors into it.


It is always good until it isn’t. I have known guys who knew each other since they were in diapers and had been growing together for decades , end up wanting to kill each other and in one case did . I have also lost some long time close friends in the same manner . Once large amounts of weed or money are involved a lot of people start acting very shitty .
That being said I prefer to roll solo and even though it is legal and I am licensed I still keep it on a strictly need to know basis.


the only time i ever dealt with a ‘partner’ was with someone considered family. i went out of my way to get them set up even though i would have made more money if i stuck with a really small grow by myself. they went and read everything they could out of a ‘how to’ grow book and then pretended like they already knew all the information. so once they had the knowledge they cut me out. they didn’t owe me a whole lot for helping them and they used the false ‘we already knew this and we don’t need your help’ excuse to cheat me. complete bs, never working with anyone again.


Damn, I have always gravitated to people that can school me. I’ve considered my partners more mentors than partners


I’m sorry to hear that…but in my case we dont fight about money or weed…we are both very successful in this hobby…My partner and I also both raise and breed American Bull Terriers for over 25 yrs. too…So as I said before you just have to find the right person.


it is very true that some people start to get weird when there is money and/or weed on the table, and often that’s when their true colors shine through, just like at weddings and funerals or when dividing estates. I have been both disappointed and happily surprised by how various friends and family members have acted when the cards are on the table, but that’s just part of life. I would hate to exclude everyone from my life because I was afraid of being hurt - I am a big boy, and I can handle it, and I know the risks when I get involved with anyone in any venture. I also never loan anything out that I dont plan on never seeing back again. life lessons learned


I’ve had a few people both friends and family ask about partnerships and I’ve kinda just let it hang, I don’t mind helping people get started or with working on plants, trimming etc. But have VERY few people I would even ever consider an actual partnership with for alot of the reasons others have already mentioned. But I’m also an extremely paranoid person, full trust is something that is hard for me to have in anyone or even really understand. It’s one of my biggest issues really(has caused more than a few fights at home).

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That’s the thing, if you get into this growing hobby with the notion of making tall cash money, that’s when the problems will arise…if I wanted a few OZ’s my partner will just give them to me and that’s a 2 way street…If he wanted a few OZ’s from me I would give it to him too.its not worth it to us losing our longtime friendship/trust over some WEED folks…


Well said dude


Lol at stoners don’t work as hard. Thats a projection.

Reality check: most people are lazy. Most western humans are chunky and watch too much tv and eat too much sugar.

But to the topic. Definitely. Its mammon. Money is in and of itself a utility but the worship and greed for money is a human thing, and is nasty and brutish.


Stoners as a group work harder? Saying I don’t work hard? Ok bud; good talking to you.

If you wanna grandstand about western culture and the evils of money don’t let me stop you I just exist in the real world.


I was schooled and learned early on, I watched Treasure of the Sierra Madre with my Dad before I was a teenager,

Il have to check that out. Sounds like Mutiny on the Bounty!

It is just all about partners turning on each other after gold fever…classic 1948 movie with John and Walter Huston and Bogart… Surely you have heard, “Badges? We ain’t got no badges. We don’t need no badges. I don’t have to show you any stinking badges”.


Definitely true bud.

A projection is an educated guess, so it won’t include all in a group. It’s more like an average.

That’s totally debatable my friend :joy:


That’s not what I meant. I meant stoners as a group are not anymore lazy than anyone else.

Im lazy from my perspective because i know what i do when im alone, but im sure no one else thinks im lazy. relatively, id say im probably not lazier than average.

further, i apologize for the cut of my jib. im western, i grew up the fat kid in the 90s when all the kids WERENT fat.


My experience with partners when it comes to growing has left me jaded. I have been straight up ripped off (best of 8 outdoor guerrilla plots). Then when he ran into trouble trying to offload the ripped plants and ran afoul of the law, tried to trade me down the river for his own freedom. I saw it coming and needless to say, when authorities showed up at the “prep” house that we had run a few indoor crops in and sexed and cloned and nurtured the outdoor youngsters in. The door kicked in due to my partner’s loose lips (Confidential Informant my ass!) they found the cleanest house you have ever seen, no trace of illegal activity.

As someone who grows for myself and family members/friends in a prohibition state in a prohibition country, the rule is this. Tell no one you are growing, don’t sell, don’t have partners, don’t engage in any other activities that might attract LEO interest (drunk driving). Fact is most people, including those you may consider good friends, will not want to pay the price for their mistakes. Most will give you up to get out of trouble, and not think twice about what happens to you. If your project is too big for you to do alone, don’t do it!!!

I have gone down (many years ago) for cannabis illegal activity due to my own mistakes. I chose to take my medicine and not involve any one else in my misfortune. Paid a price, got a life lesson,

Just say no!


Careful riding home from the hydro store too. This is very risky. Explain all this gear? Why do you have bags of soil in your car it’s the middle of January son? No chance of escape from that. Also photos on your phone. “What’s all these begetables in your closet son?” Step on over here… fuk
Update on the walking spider mite in the neighborhood. "He"left a christmas card on my doorstep after screwing me over 2 times. Now it’s cold out he needs help getting around. No more Mr.Nice guy to him only to (YOU) muh Og fam.

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Sound advice thank you awesome input to this important topic ImO lots of newbies make this mistake like I did. Getting too excited

Knock on wood…I have been so lucky in this game!
Great Partners…They brought me in.
Great Teachers…Here and experiences
30 years a doin, Never Legal til 2015…kinda.lol
Like seeing all the stealth here again, Prohibition, it ain’t over yet!