Just Say No To "Partners"

Also for you commercial cultivators be careful who you grow and provide genetics for. My previous farm farmed me for my intellectual property, they began with 4 strains, I provided 18 new cuts over course of 5 years without being compensated.


The problem with this sort of enterprise is that you have to deal with less than reputable

Trust no one.

Do it all yourself and keep 100% for yourself.

And give some free to your grandma.


Overgrow the world!

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Lol I just read this, he is real :rofl:, he’s currently in charge of making a mother out of a purple Moby dick for our projects… :rofl:

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No experience here on partners in the cannabis industry, white or black market, but I can speak to my experience starting a freight logistics company with a partner I considered a friend at the time. We structured it as a cooperative partnership, with a buy-in for new members, and it was going great, up to six of us fully or mostly paid in and making money, but it turns out he had a problem: founders syndrome. And another one: speedballs. This guy got so fucking paranoid that he couldn’t handle any decisions not going the way he wanted, and convinced himself he was the only one who really cared, so obviously the answer was to rob our space and take 75% of the equipment and tools while the rest of us were having a Christmas party we thought he was en route to. Holed up in his GFs doorman building until she kicked him out then he went and scammed some artist he got a job with, tried to run his commercial credit cards and got caught. Still on the run somewhere AFAIK. So yeah, when you choose your partners, humility should be real high on the list of factors, because people who start shit then can’t handle it becoming bigger than them will screw ya and tell themselves they were the victim.