JustANobody's Neck Beard Basement Grow

Pollen last for awhile if properly stored. I have not tried it but have been told il to a year in the feezer. I have some in the fridge that’s probably 6month old.


Awesome thank you for that!


I just pollinated a Frankenstein downstairs with pollen from this gentleman about a week and a half ago… already seeing seeds starting to form. The pollen’s been in the fridge for 2+ years now, apparently.

@PhilCuisine says he’s gotten seeds from pollen stored in the freezer for 15 years. Dunno if the fridge works quite that well, but I can personally testify that it certainly lasts a while.


How do you store the pollen?


Well, now it’s in a plastic baggie in a random drawer of my fridge, I think it might be for cold cuts or something… no humidity control, it’s not the crisper bin. As far as drying it, I just put it in a tupperware container, tossed a few silica packs in there and closed the top for a week or so. It seems to have worked. :man_shrugging:


Thanks for the information


I bought a pollen sifter box few years ago off Amazon. Works pretty good. Gets all the debris out and a silica pack in the bottom dries the pollen nice. This one I bought, is no longer available, but gives ya an idea :v: I have an older version, came with scraper card and have not had any glue or splinter issue like in the reviews


Oh I had something like thst for making kief. Same thing? I got a trim bin to help make hash from the seed runs, wonder if that would also work.

@Dirt_Wizard do you have something up your sleeves for this? You always have good info for these types of things.


Some info in this thread. Not the same one I was remembering tho.


Thanks dude

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Yep Ive used it for kief as well. I Just take it outside and blow it out good after each use , mist some rubbing alcohol on it then blow out again to keep clean and unwanted old pollen neutralized


Pollen if dry and put in the freezer can last 10 years , probably longer but I’ve used 9/10 year old pollen a few times and it worked perfectly.


Thank you all for the information.


Dude that’s wild.


cut if its well rooted and very clean.

peace …


years if worked correctly, and also some pollen no matter how well you work it will not stay viable very long.

i have had 6 year old pollen give me seeds while 6 months old pollen not.

peace …


Good to know. I don’t have any yet, but I’ve got some ideas on crosses and don’t know what I don’t know when it comes to breeding.

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The above advice is good, just gather your pollen and place it in a sealed container with a goodly amount of desiccant, silica is best because it’ll pull more moisture than beans or rice but those work too if oven dried and used in large amounts. I took my Vortex pollen, put it in a open 1/2pt wide mouth jar and then placed that on top of a pound of oven dried beans inside a big old peanut butter jar, with a hygrometer in there. Stuck it in a cabinet in a cool corner of the basement, seems good in there at 30%RH or so, silica would have brought that down even lower AFAIK. There are even special types of silica beads (anhydrous?) that dry down lower for this sort of thing but I didn’t buy those just the normal cheap food grade ones.


@JustANobody I’m always down to go half with people for strains just lmk whatcha think and we can work out a way to get funds to one or another for the purchase to go thru. I don’t mind who buys it or who it gets shipped to originally as im getting a cut in the end


Sounds like @BIGJ is taking the plunge!