JustANobody's Neck Beard Basement Grow

Thanks! I’ve been looking at the little giants. I appreciate your input on these things. Lots of knowledge up in that dome.


Little giants are a great product


There we go! 2 people who’s opinions I really respect. Thanks guys.


Of course bro, my absolute pleasure. And thank you, it means a lot that you hold my opinion in high regard, truly. But, ANYTIME bro , just ask, I’ve got you.


Can’t go wrong with a Little Giant pump for just about anything, I saw them all over the farm I worked on too. My brain is sort of permanently connected to the internet at this point, I’m one of those self-taught people who learned most of their skills there or at least refined and deepened them. I’ve been that guy who just finds the answer on a forum or YouTube for ever and ever, so it’s pretty easy for me to pull up some old stuff I half-remember and jog the ol’ memory


Appreciate it man!

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@Crafty_Flame has entered the building. I’m hoping to find a nice mom to whore out.

Let’s goooooo


I like how @BIGJ does his clones so I’m gonna give this a shot.


So I’m not completely sure what I’m seeing here. A bunch of zip ties, may be a light?

It’s a bucket with a pump in it that fills the pipes and than sprays water on the bottom of the cuttings to get them to root.

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Well, that makes a lot more sense. I was trying to figure out how that was a shipping method.

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Lol nope Def not for shipping haha

And that, is how aeroponics works.


I hope it works well! I have a cut of Blackout Bobby, Indiana Bubblegum, AJ’s Sour D, Blockberry and Hella Jelly in it.


Ph filtered or RO water to 5.8 and add 10ml clonex clone and seedling solution per gal of water , low light I use a king led 100 watt turned down to about 50 watts. 80% humidity and temp around 75* root will be popping ,I like to give them a week longer after I think I should plants. Give better roots. After roots pop I add a bit of hydro guard and the roots go cray :joy:


I’m going to see how bare bones I can go with filtered well water. If it doesn’t work out I’ll start to go down that route.


Well water is good. It’s mostly the chlorine you don’t want. I’ve done just water it works pretty good but ph is important . I’m just impatient and between the clonex gel and solution they pop quicker lol


Nice, I did use the clone gel in the end of the cuts.


I’ve been using one of these for two years without any issues. 35 bucks. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Y1T321S

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Nice thanks dude. I grabbed this one. This is a test, if it works out good enough for me I’ll do things like get RO, better pumps, all that and roll with coco. We shall see. I’m excited to have started and will hand water for a bit in veg. The automation will come by flower time.
MSELTOS 1/30 HP 132 GPH 20ft Max Head HVAC Condensate Pump, 110V/240V w/Automatic Safety Switch, Removal Drain Pump for Air Conditioner, Dehumidifier, Ice Maker, Furnace, AC unit https://a.co/d/0BogrLk

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