JustANobody's Neck Beard Basement Grow

Ah, yes…I did a rooted clone for 30 days in the ol’fridge…lol…wife didn’t like that shit…lol. flowered it put and it was the same as the others. Is truly a great way to keep stuff alive but :shushing_face:


those fpog could get massive in those pots if ya give them a good veg time frame, dman i mean big.

very cool to see in big pots like that …


I can’t wait. I am hoping now that I know the plants a bit better next run with them will be awesome. To be honest I had trouble with using my big light for veg, so I’ll need to figure something out. I liked giving them a week or so in the big tent before flip. They both have really nice structure, but that smaller one is a short stocky body builder. I’m excited to see her.


Gamma lids brother. I love them. I have some groove bags but they can’t beat a 5 gallon bucket with a great lid.

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Funny you say that, I have a 5 gal bucket with one upstairs holding the “head stash”… Who am I kidding, it’s almost all head stash. Or do you just dump straight into buckets?


Yeah I started with the bags, moved to the lids and never looked back. I have shoved whole deleafed branches in the buckets to really slow the curing process or just because I need more time to trim.

Garden looks wonderful and there is nothing like seeing the look on your friends faces when you are reaching into 5 gallon buckets to pack 1. :slight_smile:


I’ll have to see how much I get this run, I really like not having to burp the bags.

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LOL!!! Totally!!!
“Wanna smoke one?..let me grab my 5 gallon”… :eyes:


Lol that’d be wild, they are already blown away with the big jump I’ve had the last couple of grows.


Oooooh nice work!

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Thank you!

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Very true, you do gotta burp. I through a cheap Amazon hygrometer in each bucket and keep checking until it evens out to where I want.

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Time for Xmas in November. Let’s see who I can run into while in town.


Quiet morning, I’m sure I’ll see people this weekend.

This is exactly what’s brought me back to growing……and the impending doom I’m paranoid about involving the corporate takeover.

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Won’t change anything. I’m an outlaw now, I’ll be one then. Everything stays the same.


I tried to “go with the flow.” But he older I get the more myself I become lol. I get it.


Yep exactly. I’m just gonna do me and keep rolling.


Also a large Tupperware bin to keep your grove bags in should help moisture also

Ure going to run into the same person twice, cuz that person is going to want all the :fire: