JustANobody's Neck Beard Basement Grow

That water snake is a big one.


Awesome pics. I love snakes too! I’ve got a resident black rat snake in my garage that stays busy keeping us rodent free. The joys of country living! :smiley:


Peanut Butter Dream looks to be entering the stretch! I talked to @Crafty_Flame about it, but it seems that coco transitions to flower faster compared to in dirt. Just a guess and pulling this directly from my ass, is it because of the more vigorous root growth in coco that the plant feels the need to grow the roots out before the stretch because of how fast the roots are growing? I’m probably wrong, but what do you guys thinks.


Great looking plants and interesting thoughts on coco. I’ve not grown in it in years but I remember how fast it was. Right up there with hydro.

So if I understand right. Hydro not coco would flower and have less stretch than anything with roots suspended freely without any restrictions. I’ve grown bubblers and had leggy and compact plants before. I always just thought the stretch was genetic or altered by the environment. Just my thoughts man. I’m a lil high at the moment so there’s that…

I use promix n myco. Roots are stupid thick…lol. I get damn good growth too. But definitely not as fast as coco.


It’s the best!!! I find the rarest snakes in my basement/grow room. I’m always send pics to my herp friend and she’s like, ’ those sell for hundreds of bucks at a pet store!’ and it’s just a speckled kingsnake, or 3 lined racer or something hanging out with me.

Check out this beautiful milk snake we found earlier while smothering an area of invasives.



Just in case someone tells you that there’s no rattlesnakes in Missouri.

My brother has the head and the rest of the hide. He’s going to use the last 6" of the tail and the rattle to make a knife sheath.

I’m not one to kill snakes out of hand but this one was right in my front yard where the kids played.


Same here. We don’t have the problem where we are now, but in the past if there was a venomous snake around the house it didn’t last long.


How long ago was that? And that a timber? @MoBilly

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That was around five years ago. Yeah it’s a Timber Rattlesnake. From nose to tail it was only 4’ 2".
There are a lot bigger ones around here but this one was all I would ever want to deal with. The only thing I could find at hand was a 3’ stick. That was way too close for comfort but I didn’t want to lose track of it while looking for a better thing to use.


Not sure what this one is. But just sitting in the backyard having a smoke and saw this roughly 4 foot guy slither across the yard into the bushes.


Looks like a black rat snake. Great to have around. Non venomous, but they’re bitey if you pick em up. They do mock tail rattle in leaves, but they have no rattle.

@MoBilly , saw a timber rattler cross the road just down from my house. It was a big in too. A good 5+ ft one!
Also… Found this near the same area.

Picked clean by the vultures.


After a little research. I believe you are correct, with it being a rat snake. I’ve seen many different critters in my yard but never a snake.


Maybe a good omen @Golfnutt . Your rodent issue might get way better. :wink::+1:t3:


This was my most surprising visitor. Came through almost daily for about six months. Haven’t seen it now. In a couple of months.


He just came out of his hiding spot again here is a much better picture


it is a milk snake, had a big fat 4-5 footer slither thru the garden last year. the cat and i were like what the hell is that. :grimacing:


I think it’s a rat snake. Seems to be most common for my area.


Very common


We have one here now… they eat up all the easy prey and move around their territory cleaning up all the easy targets, gotta eat, rather have the cat over all these snakes being shown… As I kid my grandmother gave me a hoe for Xmas. Then taught me how to behead everyone I came across…lots of scary fights with venomous foes, guess I won in the end, still here and fried.


Peanut Butter Dream by @Crafty_Flame looking nice. They get 2 feeds a day now. By hand because I still haven’t set everything up.

A nice shot of the coco run as a whole. As I clear out the dirt run these plant will get more room at the right time. I’ll probably sneak in a couple mom from @hoss8455 to flower them out.