Keeping Sativas small with Upstate

I’m back if anyone has questions.


I know its been rough for you, but YOU SHOULD SEE THE SHIT THATS BEEN HAPPENING AROUND HERE @Upstate

Welcome Back !


Is there a particular insect that does this to Fan leaves?
Thanks for asking @Upstate


It’s insect damage for sure, but I don’t know which one. Not a problem to worry over. Did it happen when the leaves were forming? ( earwig) it’s not a slug I don’t think. They hit the edges first.
@MissinBissin truth is hard to handle for some folks. It’s easier on the mind to believe what we are told.
I wanted a genuine conversation to happen, with people thinking for themselves, before the topic I brought up is fully disclosed and our parties tell us what to think.
I’m out of likes today. Happy to be back




Glad you’re back, hope you’re feeling better from that tick bite. Tickborne illnesses are the worst, every time I find one attached to me I’m worried I’ll get one of the telltale rashes and get sick again.

I wanted to ask you if you have had any experience or success with finishing Sativas over the winter in hoop houses? I was thinking of attempting an open pollination run of a mold tolerant Sativa this winter with some clones from mother plants or possibly starting from seed in the ground. Hoop house would be set up around mid to late November using floating row cover fabric and hoops and I would use finished compost and powderized eggshells and straw mulch for bed preparation. Clones or seeds would go in as soon as it was all set up.

I was also considering supplementing with trehalose to increase cold tolerance / reduce stretch, or possibly going fully natural and setting one end of the hoophouse against the wall of my hot aerobic compost bin which stays warm enough to keep composting earthworms alive over the winter.

I know I’ve thrown a lot of different ideas out there in this post, but is any of this worth trying in your opinion? Thanks for any advice you can give me, when you have the time.


I So Greatly Appreciate you and Will shout you out as soon as I can post some pictures of them thank you so much


No he won’t🤣

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Morning @hoss8455.
Bad history or just bustin his Balls ?

Its all about training early and topping often. This is my Chocolope ive been training for a few weeks. Ive got it growing in an old brine tank cut down to about 10 gallons. Gonna see if i can get her to fill up an entire 4×4.


Nice @douggyfresh420

trying to keep them small
Currently manageable. Flip in 4 days.
Debating where to top at. Should bring them back all way down to the third node?


Largest leaf out of all four. Looking a little hungry.

Nice recovery on this one from being a little anger in the soil.

Thicker leaf one now thinning out with every leaf set.

B center, C on right.

D on right, A on left


It comes down to sunlight hours and latitude/ altitude, really. If you have sunshine, and it’s strong enough, your sativa will finish. Here( 42.5 N) Starting in October, the clouds and rains come. Even with a hoophouse, going past mid October is futile with longflowers. Not enough lumens. With something hybrid, something Sativa dominant, I made it til late october/ early November before reflowering started( growing small leaves instead of bud) at 50 degrees N latitude in East Washington, where days were sunny the last month. Here I couldn’t go that late at my altitude. In the valleys I could, but in the mts it’s too overcast.

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You better delete your address. Those are for private eyes. Give those out in a direct message only👌


Looks like slug damage. Sometimes, they’ll bite out the middle, but normally hit thr edges like the photo you just showed. See any slime trails?
Copper stops them. A copper brillo pad around the stem on the ground, or even better and longer lasting, a strip of copper 3 or 4 inches by 4-6 inches long, rolled into a cylinder. That will last 100 years.

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What are these again? They are looking nice.
Oh. Right! Odisha. Yeah those leaves should continue to skinny up. Nice choppy leaves on the one
Really cool looking.

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Thanks for the response. I think I may get a little more sunlight later in the year at 42.2N around sea level but at a certain point it does get cloudy and wet like you described. I may throw a few different plants that are more adapted to this latitude into the greens hoophouse just to see what happens but I will save the tropical Sativas for the summer or indoor.

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I was planning on doing the bandaid haze in the hoop house. Going to be fun seeing what she does


So I made a post to discuss salinity tolerance in cannabis and can’t help but liken the stunted effects observed in other more studied crops. Typically stunted growth is not looked at favorably in terms of improving a line. This topic is enlightening. Do any of y’all have a reef tank setup or really really like fish? Much love


I used to have a reef tank 200 gallons, living coral, shrimp, eels, octopi, tangs, puffers, and all the typical ecosystem plants and cheaper fish, absolutely loved it! At one point I had 11 fish tanks not one smaller than 50 gallons, had stingray, arowana, blue acara (two breeding pair that lived at caves on opposite ends of a 75 gallon brackish water tank and Oscar’s, had piranha, Jack Dempsey, community tanks. I miss it quite often I still lug around my one 100g (it’s in my garage now but I sold or gave away all the rest)