Keeping Sativas small with Upstate

Best Wishes on this one.
Exciting times @HeadyBearAdventures


Is it normal for seedlings to go from one finger to five finger leaves?


That’s a question for someone who has grown this strain before. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
This one went from 1 to 5 while the other one did 1,3,5 like normal.
I’ve got 2 more putting out their second set, so we shall see if those are 3 or 5


Very vigorous plants will do this, though it isn’t common outside of Southeast Asia. Laotian seems to do it. I’ve seen Jamaican do it. Basically it’s telling you to buckle up your seat belt and hang on for dear life😁
Looking good @HeadyBearAdventures. Good plan.
It’s safe to say that early 5 finger plant is a tall stretchy pheno


Day 47 ( Day 10 of flower)

I got the Odisha’s finally uppotted into the 1 gallons.

Blended in the picture above.


Chocolate Funk went to five fingers pretty fast. The Chocolate Funk are the three in the front.



I can count on one hand how many plants I’ve ever killed by transplanting. Is it really that dangerous to transplant?


Some people don’t have a graceful touch. I don’t see how you can fuck up a repot, just slip pot it and done. Easy peasy


Once in a great while, I’ll have a rootball fall apart and I will lose some roots. Hasn’t happened in half a dozen years though, And it only slows the plant down for a week. I always water before transplanting because it helps to keep the soil together when its wet. . I’m sure it’s more difficult using a soiless mix. In that event, I would definitely wait until I see roots poking out the bottom of the container to ensure that some roots are helping to hold the soil in place.
I’ve never killed a plant transplanting it.


Preparation is the key imho. Have a good place to do it, in the shade or indoors and have everything ready so the roots don’t get blasted by light or dry out. The longer it’s out of the soil the greater the likelihood of problems. Have the new soil wetted and water it in too.

You can probably get away with ten minutes in the open but I always have a clock ticking in my head when I start. A big plant I’ll wrap up sometimes so I don’t break it.

I use promix hp indoors and it’s important to inspect the bale and give it some moisture a day or two ahead of time or it can draw it from the plant.


I’m always very careful, and use a cap full of Superthrive diluted into about 1/2 gallon of water.


I think super thrive is a must for transplants but I’ve had luck with transplanting autos even. Like @GREANDAL said preparation is key. When I up pot the receiving pot already had a hole the same size as the pot the plant is in so slide out of small pot and sets perfectly into hole in bigger pot. I get the dirt mix and mycos in the pot wet it through so no air pockets then 2 days later ready to receive plant.


I’ve never tried superthrive, I might look into that. Usually they don’t miss a beat. There’s mycobacterium in the promix and all my used soil.


It’s not necessary I had success without it but something that’s been around that longer made for transplant shock and root health is why I say is a must. Just personal opinion but the product is solid.

I use to wet dirt for seeds or clones doesn’t hurt seedlings!


That’s some real vigor there!

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There is no cultivation of anything without Superthrive for me.

Have you seen they have started making super thrive fertilizers and other supplements? I just saw all kinds of new products a couple weeks ago at the nursery didn’t have time to stop and check out.


I have seen them, but I already have granulated/time-release plant food. It seemed unremarkable. I’m sure it’s good quality, though.

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Sorry to hijack thread @upstate. I was just curious wasn’t really interested do you mix your time-release by itself or do you mix with a control release? I’ve seen people using both sometimes with osmocote.

@upstate how long can/should I keep them in 1 gal pots? I’m at week 10 7 in 12/12. They have been topped should I wait for the lowers start or is top growth done by the time that happens?

Peshawar Afghani

Oaxacan x red snake


@420noob if you are at week seven of flowering you can go to the final container now. I usually gradually increase the sizes of the pots, so I transplant every two weeks til week 8 or so. You basically skipped a couple transplants I do, so, you can jump to 3 or five gallon for your finish now to get some more size to them. How tall are they?