Kids in the grow

When I was young I remember my older siblings always smelling like it and my mom (very anti weed, btw) turning me into an undercover.

I remember a neighbor getting a lot of heat with Family and Children services after a school DARE presentation and the kid telling them their parents did all that shit.

My question is, what do you tell them when they ask if they can try it? I remember having sips of beer when I was real young and fetching packs of cigarettes out of the truck. I also started sneaking a couple extra when nobody was looking. First time I tried weed, I was 12 and it was from some I snuck out of the glove box of guy that used to hang out with my folks (which I found because my dad offered for me to get the guy’s cigarettes out of his truck).

I had a lot of degenerate people in my life in my early years that scared me off the harder stuff, but I always remembered that guy with the weed seemed to have his shit together. I even started smoking Camel Lights because that’s what he smoked. I’d probably smoke weed with children, but only if they offered.


That’s a little bigger than mine but you got it.


This depends.

The easy one is that your brain is still growing and you shouldn’t but when you turn 18 I’ll give you gear and teach you how to do it.

The second is that weed is not so bad but it can but you in dangerous situations. A party likely has a coke room in the back and you don’t want any part of that.


Totally… An example: my father used to have a couple unlicensed hunting rifles. Family heirlooms. Belgium has and had pretty tight gun laws, nothing like the US.
He told me not to talk about it but I remember clear as day bragging about it to my mates in kindergarden, lol :rofl:


Great story! “And a true friendship was born that day” :laughing: :clap:

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I dont have younglings, but yeah keep pets out fosho,

Id agree with the “talk about it and dont make it taboo” but untill they FULLY understand, i like @mr.greenbee idea of calling it a secret food garden for a prepper guise. Call em peppers tomatoes & flowers.

This book has my intrest id like to read through it to see its point of view.ips138


could always do what my smoke shop does and call it “fancy tobacco” haha


Actually i just remembered: when my friend makes edibles like cookies and brownies that his kid would DEF go after, he tells her (12) that those are whiskey cookies and she cant have any because she would get “drunk”.
So if she does blab about it, or steals one (like a few have admitted to in above posts) she would assume is booze and others wouldent really investigate further. Also they wont smoke in the house if shes home, so visually shes in a buffer zone of plausible ignorance.

But you can only be too carfull, and chil’ren can be very curious.

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Oh fuck yea send me the link bro

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1ks Nastavitelná Sportovní Čepice Se Širokým Okrajem Prázdná - Temu Czech Republic I mean this is where I stole the photo from but id probably get it on amazon


Guess who will be growing in style tomorrow😎

Ps sorry for derailing thread


haha pretty sure I did the derailing


Me personally I let my kids no where near my grow and absolutely want them to know nothing about what I have going until maybe their teenage years.
And even then it’s a maybe.
In the eye of the law I don’t think it’s acceptable and would hate my kids to mention something at school and end up becoming an issue.
So for now all I do is lie lie lie about what I have going on in dad’s room lol.


My kids were all older, youngest 11th grade or so when i finally started growing. In a converted fridge, in the garage. Mrs said no inside the house, i can respect that.

I tried to keep them from knowing i indulged till they reached 18… they all already knew when i had the talk.

My middle child is the only one who had an interest in my garden, she’s my partner in training… but she’s nearing 30 these days. She has confessed she knew where i hid my box since she was in high school… and would borrow buds here and there.

One day when i am gone, perhaps she will pop in here and cause trouble. :wink: A father can dream right…


Yeah smoking totally different I wouldn’t let them until they was out of high school and adults and would push for them to wait till 25 before trying anything. Alcohol is a BIG no here both me and my girl have seen the generational effect of alcoholism and we are trying to be the first to not suffer from it. Cannabis would be the only thing I’d want them to try


I would allow the kids once they’re older. Firstly, cause they’re always outside and I don’t want them bringing in pests. Secondly, kids say the darndest things and I’d prefer they don’t bring this up in a class project or presentation.

Reminds me about the time my daughter wrote a class paper about how I was speeding and ran a red light. Oh yea, great stuff. :beers:


The laws everywhere are fucked.

Just approach it the same as if you were a follower of an unpopular religion. :shushing_face:

Home stays at home. :man_shrugging:



I have this arguement with my fiance like everyday I swear. I learned about gardening young and absolutely loved every second of it! My daughter adores helping anyway she can just to spend extra time with me and admittedly I do let me daughter help when my fiance isn’t around from time to time to help her understand this is a medicine plant and we grow it to help our families and ourselves. We are legal but the state hasn’t passed the bill to allow it to be federally legal. We both have our medical and cultivation cards but I hate not letting my daughter help me. My fiances biggest concerns are her repeating things which haven’t been any issue the 4 years we’ve been growing so far and even one of her friends parents grew and they never spoke of it and if it was brought up we also use the term medicine so she doesn’t say we are going to smoke or whatever to someone and rubbing up against the plant and getting a contact high if shes helping in the flower tents. To me I don’t see any issue having kids help in the grow


I have locks on my grow area. Older kid knows I grow and isn’t thrilled (she’s a bit of a goody-goody, I was when I was her age, not a bad thing at her age). She knows not to talk to their friends about it, they’re getting to the age where a kid might be curious.

My younger kid has asked why there are locks on certain doors but hasn’t pushed it too far. I’m in a legal state and a lot of people grow here, so not generally that worried about it.

I know of people who have their kids lend a hand. Not sure I see anything wrong with it, but easier not to go there.


My Children are early adult age now, but if they were grade-school aged I would definitely educate them about cannabis first and definitely get them involved in the grow. Its just like teaching them to change oil or do brakes on the car. Valuable time together and skills learned.

Assuming your state is legal and so is your grow, where’s the harm?

Heres the possible harm: If your kids even know you grow, they should definitely know how important it is not to tell anyone about what is being grown there. Kids may thnk its cool to tell their friends, then all of a sudden…Bad things.

I think of it as teaching responsibility as well as sharing great family time… Having a pet, working on the car, fixing the mower, growing legal weed with mom and dad.