Kush’s mushroom madness

I need to learn more too lol I thought it would be easy and had big plans but now that I’m trying I will be happy to make it to the end :grin:


I wrap as soon as the agar cools down, un wrap to add spores or mycelium then re wrap again.

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Ok. That’s what I did but I waited 3 weeks and there was no progress I just transferred to a new plate I think it dried out because the agar was a different shade then the fresh stuff, but I wasn’t sure if it needed and air exchange while colonizing the plate

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I think there is enough oxygen in the plate to allow for good growth.

Just been unboxing some tools and stuff in my new workshop, I boxed an old wine cooler because it could make a good flow hood. The cooling part stopped working but the fan is pretty powerful.

I must have stuffed the last liter jar of popcorn kernels I used for making mycelium in it, wrapped in several brown paper bags. It still looks viable even though it’s 8 months old, just a bit dry looking. Just need to find my mono tub now with the coco coir in it and I can get it fired up. I think it must still be I the storage locker, so probably dig it out on the weekend, we are visiting friends who live close bye to the storage place.

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If my LC works out I can send some for you to try. I’m not sure how long it will last in bulk or the syringes but that jar is way more then I could ever use for a long time. It’s just something I wanted to try and make.


Sounds good, I would like to try some different varieties of shrooms. They last a couple of years in the fridge so long as no contamination gets I’m with it.

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It’s the tidal wave enigma that won the psilocybin cup. If I can manage to get some of the plates to grow I will send some of those too. I have a pretty good variety if I can get them to grow lol

Why are my veils breaking already? They are only 1/2 and inch tall


That’s the way it goes some small some big, I am not sure if it’s the genetics or amount of food availability in the medium. Some people add minerals too their grow medium, also if the caps get wet they will open thinking it’s raining, as that’s how they spread their spores.

If you take a spore print, putting a drop of water on the cap makes them release more spores.

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Yes I didn’t notice there was no liner, well spotted. You got to press the edges of the medium down a bit heavier around the edges. The liner stops the water running down the sides and making the edge wetter.


Ok I will use a liner next time. I tamped it down but I was nervous to pack it down too tight. Also how do you must without getting the caps wet?

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Like blue lizard said, you can mist just keep it fine and not directly at them. Once you get the hang of how much water to add to the grow medium, you don’t need to mist much, until towards the end of fruiting, if they are drying out a bit too much, I mostly just mist the sides of the mono tub and the evaporation through the day keeps the humidity up in the tub.


@bluelizard @Shadey thanks guys. I really have zero experience in this department lol it’s like my first pot plant


Perfect that’s good to hear lol it’s definitely harder then I thought it would be


I haven’t made it that far yet. I don’t have a pc, so I started with pre made. After I get the growing figured out a little more I plan to start making my own.


1 gram to start - go from there for starters, ay recommendations on were to get spores,ect) went to “myco.com” it is an unsecure site) anyone ever hears of this site (Mycotopia,net) ?


I got these from myco.ca and sporeslab.ca


They are bigger. I plucked the biggest ones because they were fully open. There’s also a mutant blue blob in there too!


….how? Lol I’ve been messing with agar but haven’t been able to get anything to grow on there yet. I’m nervous about the cloning lol


@bluelizard Yup. I made one but I’m not sure how well my technique is. So far any plate I made weather it was agar to agar, spore to agar, grain to agar, or even a strand of mycelium, it never grows it just sits there until either the agar dries up or gets contaminated in the process of transfer

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