Kush’s mushroom madness

I’ve tried Jedi mind fuck, blue avians, blue meanies, tidal wave 2, tidal wave enigma. The tidal wave enigma was a clean plate that i transfers to a slant and plate. The slant has gotten a little growth over the last 10 days but nothing on the plate

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found this site : “Mycotopia.net” thoughts ?

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I’ve seen that site but never bothered signing up. We have a couple really good topics here with lots of info and help if needed. For me this hobby won’t be as big as my growing so I figured I get all the help I needed here. But that’s just me, so I couldn’t give any good info about that site.
I’ve heard mixed reviews when I comes to the myco forums so I stayed away.


If your looking for genetics, these guys are in the USA I purchased from them and I’m in Canada. So I’d say they are reliable. And their genetics are award winning for potency


Thanks for the info – will stay-a-way from sites –

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So I tried to clone the blob, did a transfer of tidal wave 2 that actually started to grow but got contaminated, chopped a few mushrooms that opened up mixed the grain bags I have of AA+ and ape.
Does anyone know when it’s safe to store a slant in the fridge? There has been a bit of growth but I don’t want to store it yet if it’s too early.


They are starting to get bigger and bigger. After you guys said water on the caps make them open early. I just stopped misting. There’s still lots of humidity so my substrate must have been a little wet. Also the tidal wave 2 is finally starting to pin. Not a lot but there’s a few showing up


Ok I will start misting again just not as much

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Micro-dose is generally around a 10% helping of a “normal dose”.
Ours were ground and a bit of hot water… down the hatch.
A successful “micro-dose” runs below your awareness. And its at the end of the day your shocked by what was achieved…


That’s what I like to hear :grin:


I agree :+1:

What I said badly, and has come across wrong, was to elicit a spore drop you can put a drop of water on the cap.

I didn’t mean it made them break the veil open early, but open their gills quickly, just once they are open. I didn’t want Kushking to leave them in the tub with the veils open, as the spores will kill off the mycelium wherever they land, when the veil breaks is down to growth and genetics.

Getting to a good size now man, if you take a cut from the center of the larger ones they should act as a clone and everything that comes from that cut should be as big.


@Shadey l didn’t end up getting far with that tub. I woke up this morning to the substrate full of green spots so I tossed that tub. I’m drying what I have now, it’s not much but I’m happy to have something from my first try.
The second tub is just starting now and looks very healthy. I will post some pics later :grin:


When I get the occasional contamination on the substrate I just scoop it out and let them carry on. Usually it doesn’t appear again.

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@Shadey lol oh…. Well I guess I kinda jumped the gun on that one then. I will try scooping it out next time. So far the tidal wave is looking good.
The casing is not as colonized as the Jedi mind fuck was but it looks better and has lots of pins showing. I have a good feeling about it.


I have my fingers crossed for you🤞

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The tidal wave 2 is swelling up, these pins are looking a lot better then the Jedi’s :grin:


Little bit over kill lol. It went wayyyy further then I thought. Ran out of syringes and still have some in the jar. I will give the syringes a few days to come back around before I put them in the fridge.


That should keep you going for a couple of decades lol, nice job :clap:


It’s definitely too much lol. Next time I will use smaller jars and less LC lol. I like a variety this is too much of the same thing for me.
What’s your addy? I will try to get some in the mail for ya before I leave for work.


Cheers man I will pm you with it.

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