Kush’s mushroom madness

Sure wish I knew how to grow mushrooms always wanted to learn the art . It’s been years since I’ve ate any also.


Apart from keeping everything sterile until they start fruiting, its fairly cheap and easy to start a set up.


This thread is my first attempt. Lol I’m trying to learn everything at once. It’s not too hard so far lots of little things to learn along the way. I’m sure each time it will be easier my first shoe box was a bust lol 7 grams dry before it got contaminated lol.
The second one is already looking better.


Holy crap man, just got the parcel delivered. The wife says are you expecting a delivery of anything?

No, I say, I have some mushrooms spores coming but I doubt they will be here until next week, and they wouldn’t need a box that big.

She said, it’s got your name on and a return address. I said, it must be them then.

I opened the box and OMG :star_struck::heart_eyes:enough to keep me going the rest of my life lol. I was expecting a few 1 ml syringes, not half of what you made.

That was extremely generous of you, the cost of the parcel and everything you used alone would not be cheap.

I guess I have no choice now but to turn my root cellar into a mushroom farm lmao. Hoping to get all my shroom stuff out of the storage place next week. Then I will be monitoring the environment down there for a short while before going crazy :crazy_face:

Cheers man, its very appreciated.


@Shadey Lol have fun. It was far from half of what I made, there is still an unbelievable amount in my mini fridge lol. I don’t want it to go to waste so I figured I’d share. I still have wayyy more then I could use in the foreseeable future lol
Keep me updated on the farm lol


Damn that’s alot of syringes! I just started growing mushies myself, still learning. Congrats on getting some fruits!

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Sounds like a plan :grin: these quart jars definitely make a lot lol. I’m definitely down for sharing and trading :grin:


That sounds great man, I will give them a bash for sure, thank you very much :+1:

Once I get my B+ on the go, I will make a culture or spore print to share with you guys if you want to try try them.


I have Golden Teacher that’s about to be put into fruiting stage in a few days. Once these fruit. I plan to make some syringes. I’ll share if anybody is interested


You in Canada or the US?
I know zip about mushroom growing but definitely want to give it a go. Thanks


I’m in the US


Wrong side of the fence thanks for offering .

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So I got myself all set up for agar work, I found buying pre poured dishes didn’t pay off the results were far from good.
I got MEA with antibiotics and some food colouring, I don’t know if it will help but I wanted to be able to see what’s growing better then trying to watch what’s happening on a translucent tan color.


Lol you can probably see I spilled some food colouring on my thumb, that stuff is as bad as wood stain to get off

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Is MEA recommend for using to make cultures with mushrooms, antibiotics sounds like it might hamper the mycelium development.

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Chloramphenicol Is the antibiotic, it helps to keep nastys at bay. Malt extract agar is a fairly popular nutrient agar that works well for mycelium.
I want to try gellan gum instead of agar at some point. Apparently it results in a much clearer petri medium.


I use instant mash potatoes with the agar, it leaves it like a steamed up mirror for clarity but you can easily see anything growing in it.

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I’ve read about using the instant potatoes but the luck that’s been had for me hasn’t been good lol I figured I would try out lab grade ingredients in hopes of having some success with agar.
So far all my other agar attempts have failed :disappointed:

I got half the plates put away and the other used. 2 has pink buffalo spores 3 have monster ape spores 2 I mixed pink buffalo and monster ape spores and 2 I put grain on from an ape bag that got contaminated


I fucked up my first PE spore syringe. Time to try another one now I got my shit down.