Kush’s mushroom madness

My tidal wave 2 tub got contam after the first flush. I can’t seam to make it past the first flush with anything yet.
I’m going to pick up some rye soon and start a tub with the tidal wave enigma, lol I need to start picking away at the fridge full of LC that I made

So where does one purchase MEA anything that improves the odds of success is worth using :+1:

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@Shadey It’s just malt extract added to the agar there’s a bunch of different recipes out there but I purchased the stuff I have from myco labs because they had it with the antibiotics already in it.

This is a chart for the recipe

The light malt extract is a powder you can get from brew stores, that’s probably the most efficient option

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Cheers man appreciate it :+1:


Made my first grain spawn instead of buying it. Let’s hope I didn’t mess anything up along the way :grin: at least if I mishandled it along the process, the grain was cheap and I have lots of LC for re dos lol


I am looking at your jars and thinking maybe I am filling mine to much. You should know fairly soon if they are contaminated. Good luck man, you deserve a good run just for your perseverance :wink:

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Oh oh. I just realized there was a section here on mushrooms. Know nothing about growing them, just have been skimming through the last few months of this thread and wondering if this is something to try. Seems like there is a lot to get right and easy to mess up.

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Lol I thought I didn’t fill them enough. Everything I read said it should be 2/3 full but I miscalculated the amount I needed.
I’m going to test out the LC I made on these. So if all goes good there should be some odd looking blobs showing up at some point

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It’s not as bad as I’m making it seam lol. This has been a first for me too. I’m just sharing my trials and tribulations as I go along.
I stop by that other thread too, there’s lots of good info on there :grin:

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When building guitars and stuff I usually show my warts and all so that others can see it is not only them that make mistakes and have hair pulling moments. Always better to learn from other’s mistakes rather than doing them yourself. I was starting to wonder if I could keep things clean and controlled enough. But when you are starting outside your comfort zone things seem overwhelming. But I have just started reading, I bet in a week it may not seem so bad.


That’s exactly how I felt at first. It’s relatively cheap to try so making a few mistakes don’t hurt.
After the first mushroom pops up you realize it’s not as bad as it sounds.
That’s what I did, I read about it for a month before I bit the bullet


Nice! I just transferred some ape and monster ape the other day and I’m testing out the LC I made. It was the first time making my own grains I think I might have made them a little wet, I only started them 4ish days ago so I will just have to wait and see I guess


That looks good, it’s made a nice pattern ad well, looks like a Christmas snowflake.


Happy Christmas guys I hope you all have a wonderful time.


Same to you and your wife man :grin:

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That’s a great idea! Merry Christmas to you too!


So I messed up and my grain was too wet, none of my jars colonized. I’m a little disappointed with that. I picked up a couple pre made grain bags and tidal wave 4 lc. I really liked the tidal wave 2 but I lost it and have been trying to bring her back with dried spores.
I’m hoping the #4 is similar. I also have monster ape started from a swab that needs to be cleaned up and APE that I’m trying to get cleaned up from a bad bag.


Did you send me any tidalwave 2 spores, I can send some back to you if you did :grinning:

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No I sent you the tidal wave enigma. Thanks tho :grin: if i manage to get these spores to start will send you some of those too.
Everything I’ve read says 4 is very similar compared to #2 but it’s faster and more resistant.
In the end 4 might turn out to be the better choice.

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The grain bags are starting to take off, I made some more LC media to make more of tidal wave 4.