Kush’s mushroom madness

Wow that’s taking off fast :+1:

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It definitely is. Yesterday there was no visible signs of growth. I was surprised when I seen that this morning.

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Just mixed up a tub of tidal wave 4, sitting on a heat mat. I’m going to have a Fogger set up with a humidity controller to try and keep things in check.

The humidity control does not like having pics taken lol it blinks when looking threw my phones camera


Tidal wave 4 LC

It’s hard to tell, but it LOADED with growth

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Good luck I hope it’s contamination free for you man👍

Just saw this on you tube, looks simple if you can get powdered mimosa bark.

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Mimosa bark isn’t hard to get.

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Enigma? Thought that was live culture only or clone only?


@420noob It is a live culture.

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That does look pretty simple. I wonder if you could grow pans on that

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Here’s a clearer shot of the lc


There’s some growth on the substrate today. It’s a little hard to see but it’s there.


Still progressing along nicely. I can notice quite a bit more growth since yesterday.


You have some sic primordial knotting going bud. Going to be a nice pin field and beautiful flush the way it’s cooking now. Looks great.


I haven’t updated this in a bit but That beautiful tub got contaminated :confounded:!! I had to restart and the grain jars are just starting to do their thing. I will post some pics tomorrow. Hopefully this time I have better luck.


I’m putting spawning whole oats to cv in shoeboxes tomorrow. My CV is in my cooler getting to field capcity


Man you don’t seem to be having much luck, how bad was the contamination, the last one I did had some start and I just scooped the contamination out with a sterilized spoon and had no problems after that.


It was bad. I left for work with the Fogger hooked up. Never using it before I had it set too often. I should’ve not even had it on until the flush started. The substrate was floating 1/2” from the bottom and the whole top was green. No saving that one unfortunately.
It was the my first try automated so I expected hiccups lol, lesson learned.
My new jars are starting to colonize so I will be back to where I was in no time :grin:.


Here’s the restart.
I have 3 good jars. But I have 4 other jars and I’m not sure what exactly is going on. There’s no off colour just white… but it’s little white spots everywhere. I haven’t seen this yet, and a little confused. If someone has an idea of what this is or what’s going on the info would be greatly appreciated


The speckles look the right color, I think its just the mycelium on the grain is just starting to develop. Fingers crossed for you, they are taking off fast again :+1:


Pics 3&5 look like a yeast/bacterial contamination
I’d throw those in compost
The others dont look too bad for the time being
Give the jars in the first and last pictures a shake and see how//if they bounce back