Landraces of India

The Assam got hammered by hemp beetles or another pest briefly. They’ve been moved and are producing normal growth. They don’t look as pretty as Matori ATM. In flower now one week. I’m told they flower approximately 12 weeks which is cutting it very close with the weather. I’ll make it happen though


Matori - very appealing to my eye


My daughter when to the Dispensary an brought me a pre rolled labeled Indian landrace mainly indica

No other info well it was the best thing I got from the dispensary lol shocked. Hi AsF and fell asleep
I want more


Kashmir or Rajasthan genetics would be my guess. Nice to hear that you found this in a dispensary.


The Rajasthan from ILE sounds really interesting. There are bound to be some mighty interesting phenos from so harsh an environment.


@Shiv9545 may have one too.


Bodhi had a sativa from rajasthan that was supposed to be electric.

good hunting


Just checked ILE rajasthani and found this :

The flowering duration on these are quite long as they can flower for close to 16-18 weeks without much yields.

if I had a field and the right conditions… otherwise ;(


Japan has precisely ZERO room to talk about Western imperialism. They’re the ones who dreamed up the “Co-Prosperity Sphere”, a euphemism if I ever heard one. In at least one way, Imperial Japan was even worse than Nazi Germany: the Nazis considered genocide a chore, while the Japanese considered it R&R. Sorry about the rant, but it annoys the hell out of me that Nazi Germany is condemned (rightfully) for their crimes while those of Imperial Japan and the USSR often rate little more than a footnote.


There’s both a wild sativa and a farmed indica in Rajasthan. Bohdi must have had the Sativa?


Not many people know that China lost 7 million people in World War II, most at the hands of the Japanese. For a heartbreaking Read, check out the book “the Rape of Nanking”.
Of course the actions the Chinese have taken and are taking against the Uighers today show they have short memories.


They’ve not forgotten. Watch how fast they bring that up–while trying to play the victim–as soon as someone calls them on their human rights violations. It seems like the Chinese people have lived under one authoritarian after another for as long as they’ve had a system of writing.


Assam, India Ganja strain. Green and red phenos.


The Japanese actions in Manila during ww2 were about as bad as the Chinese front. Thsts why you never tell a phillipno they look Japanese. Rape was a weapon. Natives were human shields against US troops bombardment


We definitely look at World War II from a European perspective in this country don’t we? When I tell people that more Chinese than Germans died in ww2 they are often shocked. I haven’t read too much about the Philippines aside from the Bataan Death March and a little bit about the treatment some prisoners were receiving before being busted out. I don’t think any of their enemies fared very well during their occupations. A culture at war is so different than a culture at peace. Every culture is capable of awful Acts.


I did a rotation to the Philippines, and the subject of Japanese occupation came up when we visited the memorial in Cabanatuan City (the movie The Great Raid was based on what happened there). To this day, the people there are grateful to the USA for dealing with Imperial Japan. By ‘dealing with’ them, I mean utterly destroying their war machine and neutering them.


To be rational; Hitler, Stalin and Mao killed more Germans, Russians and Chinese respectively than any of their enemies.


We definitely look at World War II from a European perspective in this country don’t we? When I tell people that more Chinese than Germans died in ww2 they are often shocked. I haven’t read too much about the Philippines aside from the Bataan Death March and a little bit about the treatment the Bataan prisoners were receiving before being busted out.
Aaah. The Great Raid Rings a bell. I think I read the book

And with innocuous sounding names like the Five Year Plan or the Great Leap Forward.


Waaay more. Especially Stalin. The worst butcher in history

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