Legalization in NY this year?

Aren’t you worried they will reveg when put outside in june
I know my outside plants were still in veg june-july when I grew there.
Maybe I am wrong and forgetting the 12 hrs of light and when it gets less than 12

What a great idea with that leaf blower trick! Makes it look like you’re doing yard work when you tend to your plants too haha. I tried growing landrace Lebanese from the real Seed Company two summers ago. I knew it would be a really tough deal, but I was after a true-breeding CBD strain. I started with 25 females. 21 of them rotted 100%. Of the four that were left I harvested half of one of them and between 10 and 25% of the other three. However, before many of the 21 that didn’t make it died, they produce viable seed for me. Some of them fell off the plants and came up as volunteers last year. I had three of what I believe were pure Lebanese plants finish flowering and two of them had very little to no mold. I was bringing them in every evening, but I also did that the first year. Seems like they could adapt pretty quick. And I got my high-cbd type that I wanted. Really had to be kept dry. I wouldn’t have had to bring them in if maybe just a fan on them at night would be enough? Heavy dew every morning. Great idea.


Sounds like a good idea with the early Harvest. Are you talkin Autos here? Or are you planning on forcing something?


Just going thru this thread again. I missed this post. Same experience for me. All veg june/ most of July too with photo plants. Some til mid august. (This is in regard to flowering plants revegging if put out in may)

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Time to revive this thread
I have to admit that the discouraging news on the legalization front temporarily took the wind out of my sails. I never was too crazy about getting my medical card in NY and this is why… weed legalization for all adults allows me to just blend in with the rest of the population. Now if you give me a medical card, and I feel as if I would be singled out by police. I don’t want to be judged by whether I have a card or not, or if I smoke pot or not. It’s really Nobody’s Business. I fear harassment at the hands of our overzealous police force in this state. Until a proper way of judging impairment for marijuana is available, I worry that I would be judged driving impaired if I ate a pot brownie for dinner yesterday, or even two days ago due to cannabinoid levels still in the body 1 or 2 days later. This is after all the state that wants to judge you dwi for having one or two beers now… I was really thinking that just plain legalization for all was going to happen. I should have known better. Now the latest is that it may not even happen at all this year. Anyone have any firm info on this? I’m going to check the web right now for the latest.

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All the Cuomo’s LIE, they are nothing but pcs of garbage, don’t expect any type of legalization soon unless they are also getting a Big Piece of the Pie for themselves.
The King in Albany does not care about anyone but himself.


There we go LOL
Mine , all mine
No Mine
It’s a joke to these people, I hope someday they too live in Pain and denied their meds.
A Holes all of them

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From my perspective, any way this shakes out, they are not going to allow home growing.
So sad.

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All Cannabis users should just grow a plant in there front yard next summer
What are they going to do Lock us all up.
I am not talking just in NY , but all states.
But I know this will never happen, so we can dream.

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Same in NJ they will never allow home grow it’s all about the $$$$$$$
Although just recently a a state legislator is trying to push home grow in a bill to allow med users still I feel they will never let it happen


I agree never let them know what you do
No tell is safe better to blend in then stand out till the time comes


Yes, NJ (The Garden State) also seems determined to forbid their taxpayers from home growing.
To hell with the will of the people!

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Yep. Couldn’t agree more. Cuomo is giving his friends in the medical field another year to learn how to grow weed, and giving his buddies in politics another year to line up ways to make money off of it for themselves. They can’t stand him or his dad. Or his brother for that matter. They’re all about money. They don’t care at all about the people that have been affected by prohibition. They want to pretend it’s just a small segment of the population so they can get some publicity about it. And they pretend they care about people affected by prohibition, yet they’re willing to go yet another year with people getting arrested for this s***. I don’t expect great things in New York. I never have. The fact is I would have moved long ago but my wife doesn’t want to leave behind family. And it is super pretty here LOL now that I vented haha.


I honestly dont know who votes for cuomo or how he is still in albany. People must be smoking crack to vote somebody in who gives themselves fat raises without any clearance and thinks that the way a gun looks makes it more deadly :exploding_head:


No kidding. It’s like New York is two states. You could chop it at off at Westchester, and we would never have a Cuomo again. Year after year he is voted in by his downstate constituents, with only a few upstate counties voting for him. Generally Albany area, Rochester area, and I think Buffalo area. Pretty much the cities vote for him. But there is a rural Upstate population in New York, that is nearly equal in population to states like n carolina. We are forgotten…


Dequilo did you ever look into ur med card? I have not. Old habits die hard I suppose. I still feel like I’m being " baited". I’m waiting on firm news I think. But if you went and got yours…

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So I read some articles, and it appears that New York is stalled, due to tax money allocations. Some people want to make sure that certain percentages go to communities affected the most. I have no problem with that at all. Let’s get on with it already for crying out loud!


You can also kiss all your Guns Goodbye if you have a med card
Not even sure if any guns are allowed in house if anyone is a card holder.
Another way around good people owning a gun to defend themselves from the evil doers


Med card equals no gun permit no rites they think we’re all criminals and junkies damn fools
Even if your a legal grower you need to keep a way the rippers and the thieves a gun is necessary

I’m old and live in a not so nice area the gun is in the night stand
That’s the reason I tell no one what I do and no med card
Never trust the state