LemonSourGlue - LSG F5 Outcross Journal

So far, I am seeing a good amount of LSG dominance at least in the structure and stem rubs - earlier on there was that pencil shavings / cigar box / cedar wood with citrus notes. Now some are starting to smell like a peach skin on the stem rub or sour citrus. Really curious to see how these girls flower. Flipping tomorrow from 24/0 to 11/13 finally.


Beautiful, can’t wait to see them stretch.

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Looking lush!

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Right now I am bottom feeding once weekly 1gal per tray with 10ml/10ml/10ml GH Trio per 3800ml. So, Roughly 950ml per 1gal fabric (2x plants), Then pretty much everyday, multiple times a day, I’ve been foliar spraying them with either ~400ppm clonex (15ml per 3800ml) or straight tap water (standing ~150ppm 6.8ph from the faucet). They seem to be loving this 8bar FC 6500 folded into the 2x4 and dialed at 25% (180w~). Hoping to yield at minimum 8oz of seeded flower to break apart and smoke test.

I am hoping they stop close but not too close to the lights so I can dial them up a bit without burning anyone. There is maybe 3feet of headspace for them to fit into so I am going to be watching them closely in case I need to super crop any tops. I don’t want them any closer than maybe 4" from the lights max.


Well it is now the end of week 2 of flip. Girls got mildly defoliated a week ago before bouncing back with more fans. I am just now starting to see my first one or two pistils showing sex.

I went ahead and pulled the girls out of the light prison for awhile and decided to go ahead and start tagging them for their number and which tray they belong to.





After tagging


Hey guys, just a quick and minor update!

I ended up culling quite a few of the girls out of concerns of them developing bananas. Only 3 of them were 100% guaranteed bananas, while some others I culled probably too early and should have let develop a little more. Some of the ones I thought were pollen sacs forming just had fat calyx going on and no bananas. Unfortunately, my eyesight sucks and I need glasses.

The good news is, some of the girls are starting to actually look more like a plant in flower. I am easily expecting 12+ week flowers from pretty much all of them, with the exception of maybe D3, which I will take 12 weeks either way.

Right now in terms of keepers and the smells being given off on leaf and stem rubs, I am leaning heavily into B2, B6, B7, C4, D3 and D8.

D8 is the most vigorous of all the plants and is giving off some chemmy funk, while jumpy like the LSG S1 ‘F4’ mother used.

D3 currently has the best structure for my environment in my eyes and I am hoping ends up being a potent lady that yields.

C4 is another one of those Sweet / Floral / Citrus with the Chemmy Burnt Rubber smell on the stem rub. She is a stretchy heavily lanky lateral lady.

B7 reminds me quite a bit of D3 on the stem rub and both of them are staying squat with close internodal distance. Much stronger rubber chem funk going on with this one.

B6 is another LSG leaner with the Sour Citrus notes and less chem or rubber going on at the moment. Seems to be otherwise resilient and keeping up with the rest. Nothing super note worthy at the moment other than healthy and vigorous.

B2 looks like it is going to be a longer flower and possibly lower yielding cut taking after the LSG. It had the most pungent stem rub veg and into flower with what I can only describe as a Sour Spearmint Gum profile. Not sure how it’ll hold up by the end of flower or after cure. But overall has me rooting for her to be killer.

Anyways, thanks for listening! This is a picture of D3 right now - some sort of Pickled Garlic Chem Funk on the stem rub.


You’re making my mouth water now! They’re looking great and sounds as though you’re really putting thought into the selection process. Good work bud :sunglasses::green_heart:

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Thank you! Hopefully I have some nice clones to start running soon as flower is over. This time I can actually top and train them for yields instead of growing straight up.


Figured I should share how my LSG91 testers are going! So far everything is looking very happy. Most look very 91 in structure to me. But just yesterday I found one that looks verrry Sour D to my eye. Heres a shot comparing 2 of the 91 lookers to the Sour D looker on the right. Im excited to see how they turn out.


Hey guys! It has been quite a minute since the last update.

This is my D8 tag that is 1 of 4 remaining plants out of the lot. I started out with 32 fem seeds. I then had 30 germinate. 2 of them ended up being mutants and were culled. Then after flip, I did some moving around that stressed out the plants. Did some defoliation as well as only watering once a week for 3 weeks. Ended up having to snap several necks because they stretched for 3.5 weeks after flip.

Additionally, I have a fan at the base of my grow space and at some point it fell over and onto the metal, so when the fan would come on, it has been non-stop shaking all of the girls with vibrations that I didn’t see. I believe this was adding extra stress on top of everything and I started getting nanners to shoot on some of the girls. I have a no banana rule for breeding so I started culling any plants that shot nanners. At the time, not realizing the added stress of the fan literally shaking everything for 12hrs a day.

Ultimately, I fear I may have killed some really solid cuts that may have done fine in normal conditions. The good news is, I’ve found 4 girls that are super stable and even if not breed worthy, may end up being some nice solid clones to run for awhile and smoke.

The D8 tag pictured here has been my most vigorous girl from the start and so far hasn’t visibly popped any pollen sacs from everything thrown at her. I’ve already got clones going that I am going to start a mother with and give some more runs. I am expecting about 8 more weeks for flower, but time will tell.

This is my B7 tag that is the shortest lady out of all 30 that popped up. If you look, she is a quad node that spirals so her fans don’t block each other, but evenly space apart. She is maybe a foot or more away from the light and had 3 equal tops all on her own like this with zero training. I took one of them and turned it into a clone that is now rooting. She admittedly popped 2 nanners in the lower that I caught immediately and removed. Hoping she doesn’t shoot anymore, but if she does, I may keep her around as a clone still depending on how she smokes.

As for testers and their outcomes so far, I haven’t reached out in awhile. I do know several have them going while others HAD them going before encountering things like incredibly high temps that scorched most of their girls.

While I got like a 96% germ rate from my seeds planted, others were reporting some really bad germination rates, with at least 2 people having all 20 beans I sent failing (I blame the heat on these ones.) While some of it might be user error, it is also plausible heat or even too early harvest could be playing a roll in outcomes. This was only my 2nd attempt at really doing some fems and I think in the future I will let them bake longer than I typically do just to be certain.

Just wanted to say thanks to those who put in the effort, even if they didn’t get the outcome we all hoped for.

Anyway, thank you for listening!


My likely keeper now that smells are really hitting. The B2 tag. 100% Complete LSG dominance coming through - with one little addition. Those buds are rock solid. It smells exactly like my LSG F4 keeper that I reversed.

LSG 91 B2 tag with Flash and then my LSG F4 keeper that I reversed for S1 and F5 fem.

LSG 91 B2 Tag.



Love yr work :star_struck: …keep it up :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey thank you! Just put 30x (Albany Sour Diesel x LSG F4:S1) into some water. Going to try and get a head start on those to hunt for a keeper to hit with this B2 pheno.


Just thought I would go ahead and drop this in here. This is my B2 tag without any flash and a closer shot.


I ended up finding some of my culled plants with their undeveloped buds that had turned into dense little larf nuggets that were coated in trichomes. This entire time I haven’t had a hint of gas or fuel in the girls. Nothing. Just all LSG popping through on the flowers and their glands. Stem rubs were promising at the start, but everything turned to straight LSG…

until… I tried these little larf buds from probably the C4 and C5 tags if I am not mistaken. Hard to tell as I threw them all in a pile to the side. Not much bud on them to be had. But by god.

Sour Mentholated Fuel that expanded in the lungs. This was only maybe a week 5 cull. 7 weeks away from the finish line. The highs for me are all LSG sativa lean with that calm focus I was looking for. Zero anxiety.

We will see how things feel after the 12 week mark and if these other cuts starts to smell like Diesel or Fuel on the backend.

For now, I’ve went ahead and taken some week 6 samples from some lowers with the B2 and then the D8, one of the branches was growing beyond the lights even after having HST and snapping its neck once lol. Went ahead and took off 9g wet, expecting it to turn into about 2.5-3g. Currently it is down to 5.5g wet from 9g.

Right now it is smelling like Skunky Grapefruit with Metallic notes. (Edit: Roommate says it smells specifically like the skin of Mango.)

D8 tester. half dry.


Well guys, I did a quick dry on a couple lowers of the B2, B7, D3 and the D8. Put them on some low temp in the oven for a couple minutes to get them crisp enough to smoke. Obviously this isn’t ideal, but I was looking to see if I was getting any potency at all out of them. (I am impatient after smoking a little counter dried - I wanted more damnit lol)

While these are going to be 12+ weeks to flower, I can easily say that they are in fact all getting me high with a creeper sativa effect that gives me the LSG Focus and Calm I’ve been selecting for already at week 6-7 flower. I am expecting this potency to be more than exceptional at harvest.

Everything is leaning LSG in the high for pretty much every cut with some slight nuance so far. I would say there is some full body euphoria, slight arousal and some headband effect going on with some creeping giggles. Absolute killer video game weed. If you play FPS games or anything, this is that killstreak focus. Basically cheating. Nips my ADHD mind in the bud and gives me complete focus with zero distractions or anxiety. Zero panic response with cold blooded aim lol. I don’t know if I’d call it a social experience as much as a calm get shit done functional sativa. Doesn’t make me want to talk as much as it makes me want to think about whatever is right in front of me.

So far off of all these specific keeper cuts, I am getting zero gas on the quick dry / counter dry. But we’ll see about a real harvest and cure. The taste and high is all LSG.

LSG B2 tag no flash.

B7 in the front, B2 in the middle, D3 in the back. The Black Lotus F2 male to the right.


Looking good…this quick fix would evaporate the gassy terps I would imagine :slightly_smiling_face:

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I fucking love this. Im doing something very similar actually lol.

Sour Bubble and Super Lemon Haze.

Thanks for the added inspiration. Much love man :sunglasses::pray:.


My thoughts exactly - additionally, these were only week 6 or 7 testers. Gas could pop later, especially with a proper cure! That week 12 could switch everything up on me.

Hey that sounds great! I’m sitting on some (Super Lemon Haze x Exodus Cheese) that I planned to hunt at some point as well!


Pregnant, bulking, foxtailing - the smells are starting to get much stronger. The entire grow area is filled with Sour pungency wafting around. It hits you soon as you enter the grow space even with 2 charcoal filters on AC Infinities going at 8/10 power.

LSG 91 Black F1 Regs? Lol