LemonSourGlue - LSG F5 Outcross Journal

Just checking in. My LSG and various LSG crosses are getting some legs… This LSG stem rub is so rank. I have 2 LSg 91s looking great, 2 LSG looking good, one lsg sd and one LSg moto both have been stunted pretty bad but should be getting better any day now…


Thanks for the update! Looking great man!

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Prepare for trouble and make it double…

The D8 tag double bud bulking up. Lol.


Ladies and Gentlemen, the results are in. I had posted in the Chem 91 thread mentioning this, but I did an early chop at week 10 of flower after I had an outage that caused my exhaust to fail and have the RH jump to high 80’s almost 90%RH. This was alarming given how big the buds were getting, so I went ahead and pulled them. The 4 of my keepers are dried enough for smoking and of the 4 keepers, the B2 tag is by far the most potent, uniform and spot on for LSG.

They’re not completely done hang drying just yet - but I will do another update with some pics once I give them a bit of a trim.

Thanks for listening!


The gals are looking happy!


Looking great man, thank you for the update.

Unfortunately for me life has been incredibly busy and stressful lately and I haven’t had time to take proper pics. Ultimately I’ve ended up smoking most of the B2 which is my favorite cut.

My ex-girlfriend / current roommate and I had been rekindling things and sleeping together again, and then I found out she is also talking to someone else at the same time. Found out and called her out on it and she is in the process of gathering all of her things and moving out. Due to this, I’ve had to break down all of my grow equipment and hide everything out for awhile until this blows over.

The good news is I got a raise at work and promoted and can afford to keep this place by myself.

The B2 cut is safe, but I plan to cull all others and only flower this keeper out going forward. The high is just that much more potent than all of the others. Talked to @BackyardBoogie420 a bit about his experience with the LSG 91, and we both seem to agree that many of the expressions have an almost GDP experience to them (Not Super Potent - Calm and Relaxing with Body, not exactly ‘Sativa’ or ‘Indica’ but hybrid. The B2 on the other hand is far removed and far more potent with a major creeper effect that delays its hit by about 10mins. My plan is to take a break from seeds for awhile and just run this clone only.

Hopefully in the next couple of months I can give a seedless flower update with something worth looking at.

Thanks again to everyone for listening.


Wow. That’s a lot to process. Your life is going through some changes! Enjoy the ride, you never know where it will take you. I’ll keep you posted on the LSG seeds I popped. Congratulations on the raise!


I want off this ride! lmao. No alarms and no surprises, please.

In all seriousness, this all happened for the best and was time for us both to move on.

I’m happy to now spend my free time going to see my friends and family. Spend more times with my nieces and nephew. I find when you’re going through tough times, it is good to turn to your own blood and appreciate what really matters.

I look forward to seeing what pops for you!


Bro Ive been through the EXACT same situation years ago. It can be tough, but it’ll get better!


Appreciate it man.

My sister is helping me find a therapist so I can work through this and not bottle it up.
My brother ended up showing up unannounced and spent the entire day with me just hanging out. Really helped take my mind off it all and put some things in perspective.


The old saying is true - when a door closes, a window opens. The toughest of times bring us to the most beautiful places. They are even more beautiful because of the journey to get there. Always look for the rainbow, even if you have to look between the raindrops. I’m sending good energy your way.


1 month ago today, I dropped 4 LSD Diesel F1 seeds in water.
30 days later, here’s how they are looking…

I realized after moving them around that the roots are coming out of the bottom of the bags.
:clap: :clap: :clap:
@PonceDeLeon hope life is treating you kindly…


Looking good! Thank you for that update.

I am still alive - just working 10 hr days and actively trying to find another roomie so I don’t get stuck with another $875 a month in bills. :smiling_face_with_tear:

The B2 lady is still kicking it and now that things are starting to calm down a bit, I am likely going to start giving her some higher wattage light and taking a couple of clones to fill the room.

I look forward to seeing how these girls flower for you!


Here’s what ya have to look forward too. This LSG SD is going awesome.


Hell yeah man! Everyone has me excited to pop those beans next!

@BackyardBoogie420 told me the (Albany Sour Diesel x Lemon Sour Glue) was his favorite high out of them all.

Edit: He just got back to me about the LSG and has said that after a roughly 16+ week flower, the pure LSG was by far his favorite.


Hey guys! I’ve decided to go ahead and move along into my next project.

LSG S1:F2 x LSG S1:F2
= LSG S1:F3 Fems.

7th Gen Fem Seed Stock.

New thread dedicated to this hunt.
LSG S1:F3 Project


All 4 LSD Diesel F1 seeds were males… WERE! All gone now.
I’ve never had 100% male turn out until now. 4 out of 4. Hmmmmm
I will try again.

Hope all is going good with your new LSG S1:F3 project.

MALES? - Or were they showing pistils and pollen sacs?

Those should have been fem seeds - meaning it should have been all girls and zero boys.

If you got 4/4 intersex then that is a terrible outcome.

If so, I would just chuck those seeds. BackyardBoogie told me he had zero intersex traits or boys, so that is incredibly strange. Maybe in your environment it stressed out?

They were in an extremely crowded tent. I kept a fan going and had 2 lights going at different heights. 2x4 tent with 9 plants. 5 of those were Vortex x frogspawn. Vortex is very vinery, and took over everything.
I’d love for this to turn into a learning experience, but realized without pictures that it’s difficult. I’m going to start some again in a few weeks and be a better plant hostess.

It could have just been the genetics! These crosses are in testing after all :slight_smile: I wouldn’t beat yourself up over it. I found herms in my LSG 91 seeds, while others did not. Do you run synthetic nutes or organic?