Let us discuss seed giveaways, proper etiquete, self restraint, and seed addiction + Pets

Now that’s what I am talking about. :clap::peace_symbol:

I know all about you, praise the lard! :laughing: :yum: :joy:

Thank you. G8PxQ8j


Watch out for that @mota guy. He doesn’t even look like his avatar picture!


Don’t know if I really want to step into this…but
I feel to give of an open heart. I am on multiple giveaways. I also do a small share of giveaways myself.
I also support many patients that have come to me for help. I have given and supported their grows from many seeds acquired here. Do I need to explain this every time I enter?
I also keep some very old strains for many years, because they are good medicine.
My garden always has varieties from OG.
Does it really matter if you hold onto some good medicine beans for a later date?

If you’re bothered by giving at all you shouldn’t do it. I give to total strangers if I see they are looking for something that I have.


No, watch out for me, I do resemble my avatar image


Me too. I’m a line drawing kinda guy :joy:


So you say. I say let’s let the people decide…



I’m almost in the position to Donate beans back to the OG giveaways it took me awhile to learn how to grow and do it the right way on top of Making sure I had the best genetics and gave out the best crosses I grew out myself to make sure was decent I had created (takes some time) or was given in my trades.I think I had one pack not make it to where it had to go for some reason I never can ship to Canada thier Customs is nuclear and busted one pack I talked to and sorted it out with the other trading party and it was all good.I learned to be careful shipping over to Canada.For every seed I trade for i give at least double what I get and an extra.The karma will come you will get a pack someday with 4 flips of beans and a shot glass for a 5 pack of Fems.What goes around on here comes around here and everyone sees it.Good shit peoples


I wish I looked as cool as my avatar :joy::joy::joy::joy::peace_symbol:

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Shouldn’t be too hard. 17 or 18 surgeries.


I love my Rottweiler as they are very good natured and a very good judge of character, that shot only took 1 take and it was a wrap! :wink:


me too!..lol

Me too! Oh, no, wait… I mean as young as my avatar! HA! Other than that and maybe a little fuzz, we are same person! lol (1)

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Haha I wish I was as cool looking as my avatar as well. Arrrr

I love that one! :clap::joy::joy::joy::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

@LoveDaAutos OK I feel you bro. But as @DougDawson is saying, it’s total freedom here. The giver have full control, and so does the potential receiver. I don’t really see the problem? Freedom is always the best choice but it’s not without problems. Like everything in life.

Pz :v:t2:


Nothing in this world :earth_americas: is perfect! :peace_symbol:


My wife comes pretty dam close :wink:


I second that! :peace_symbol:


I oppose mindless collecting for “i gotta have it” desires. But cache-ing seeds i do somewhat because my tastes and medical needs change faster than i can grow the seeds.

I may start doing 12/12 from seed because there’s so much i want to grow. And i only have maybe 40? years left to do it.

I could never find decent muscle-relaxing indicas at the dispo. So i started hunting those seeds.
Now i need day-brightening sativas.

And i’m always trading and /or gifting w people i know here on OG. And donating to good causes here.
So i’m not building a wasted horde of treasure that no one will ever grow.