Let us discuss seed giveaways, proper etiquete, self restraint, and seed addiction + Pets

Variety is the spice of life, the more the merrier.


I dont think anyone should worry about how much someone else is getting. You never know what may happen in the future. If anything, lets use this discussion to pool resources for postage service or something so we can just use some online form to print/send each other seedsā€¦ or something else productive. Iā€™ve been scared to get into breeding but now have pollen from this site and who knows? So many flavors and options now. Eventually someday maybe I will also have thousands of seeds for others!


This does certainly happen.
I have seen seeds I have made posted for sale on IG. :rofl:
I have only given those out on OG. :pouting_cat:


Hit up the Trade thread. Youā€™d be surprised what OG members have.

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How much do they think your work is worth?


No idea honestly.
When I give seeds to people they are intended to be grown, not sold to make a profit.
Hell, maybe I should just sell them myself. :laughing:


I was just curious as to what the stolen seed market looks like.


Those people are dirty dogs and should be banned for life from OG and I am all for the rule to be if you get caught peddling gifted seeds you are out of here! :flushed::triumph:


I tried to contact them, but I couldnā€™t access the page shortly after. Not sure if they deleted the account or if they just blocked me. I donā€™t know much about IG.


Yeah, I have a real problem with that kind of behavior. Seems like spitting in the face of the person who gifted them, but Iā€™ve never been the profit motivated person. I prefer to sleep peacefully at night.


Probably blocked youā€¦ ugh, some people.


I donā€™t think the OP realized the compulsive collectors are the majority here. What percentage of people who sign up for free seeds have specific plans to actually grow the seeds, or were specifically seeking those genetics- Maybe 5%? Iā€™d say 95% of people who get free seeds do so because they can, not becuse of any specific need for those specific genetics. What percentage of free seeds are followed up with a log, ever? .01%?

Iā€™m not against sharing, but to those of you who sign up to many give-aways: be honest with yourselves. Hoarding is not sharing.

To those of you running all the repros/give-aways: thank you for your noble effort. What I said above doesnā€™t make give-aways any less noble.


thereā€™s something for everyone!

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I am running out of likes this sucks! :triumph:

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LDA is not wrong in his opinion, neither are those with an opposing view. Age, upbringing, modern timesā€¦ all plays a part of forming a personal opinion. This world is more divided on all fronts more than ever.

I give/gave away plentyā€¦ starting with near day one of arriving and participatingā€¦ as did many. Anymore I prefer to offer beans backchannel to newbs needing a break, patients needing meds, or just that new guy who impressed me with a grow. I also like to offer to those who iv won a dibs with, or have offered something Iā€™m looking for.

Wanna know what bothers me? Those who have time to hunt free seeds but never seem to have the time to acknowledge receipt. I get it slips some peopleā€™s mind but not nearly as much as iv experienced. Take the time to show gratitude for someone gifting you out of pocketā€¦

Also. Just because there may be some respected members who give a shit ton away freelyā€¦ and who have a differing opinionā€¦ doesnā€™t make others opinion any less valid.

We all learned this recently with the Drā€¦ had it been nipped in the bud earlier then those at the end could have been spared the larger thefts.

Maybe we can all just agree to be accepting of opposing viewpoints without the fear of being shunned by the community. Or half ass attempts to make light of someoneā€™s viewsā€¦

Most donā€™t know that LDA and I are close, we talk and break each otherā€™s stones on the regular. I can personally attest to his overwhelming generosity and desire to share. But thereā€™s more to the story he hasnā€™t shared that lead to his opinion and ā€œVultureā€ remark (in my opinion)ā€¦ and again many would feel the same way. So letā€™s not get our panties in a twist over a word he may have usedā€¦ his point is no less valid.

Aspen thanks you for the ball my friendā€¦ and I your gift.


Maybe Iā€™m wrong but I donā€™t know that anyoneā€™s actually mad or anything. Just people sharing differing opinions.


You can make it harder for recipiants to sell the seeds by removing them from the breeder packs and putting the seeds in coin flips or pucks.
These ā€œopenedā€ seed packs are less valueable to scalpers.
Or do like misterbee and give away 5-6 seeds (1/2 of a full breeder pack) at a time.


The bad guys only spoil it for all. šŸ«¢

Actually @GCBudz that ball fell out of my laundry basket accidently and now I see into the box of goodies I was sending you. LOL Itā€™s a ball for in the clothes dryer to help reduce wrinkling. Iā€™d like that back.


Not a problem, as soon as he finishes shitting out pieces on my lawn Iā€™ll collect it and ship it right backā€¦ on a nice warm day.